Tagged with timecode - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/timecode/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:03:18 +0000 Tagged with timecode - Personal View Talks en-CA Timecode syncing multiple GH4 cameras http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14353/timecode-syncing-multiple-gh4-cameras Sat, 02 Jan 2016 17:56:58 +0000 DouglasHorn 14353@/talks/discussions What is the best way to timecode sync multiple GH4 cameras? From reading the manuals and related threads there seem to be two approaches:

App Method: Use the Lumix Link app to set the timecode for each GH4 to the time on the mobile device and then use Time of Day timecode mode.

YAGH Method: Use a YAGH to jam true timecode to the GH4 from a master clock.

The App Method seems easiest and cheapest if it is accurate enough. Has anyone tried it yet with multiple GH4s?

If the App Method doesn't sync cameras with sufficient accuracy, do you need a YAGH for each camera, or can you attach the YAGH to a GH4 to jam timecode and, once that camera's clock is set, move the YAGH to the other cameras in turn to jam sync timecode. In other words, once the GH4's timecode is set via the YAGH, does the camera retain it when the YAGH is removed? This would let one YAGH serve multiple cameras for timecode jamming purposes.


QUESTION - GH2 AVCHD Timecode Corruption on Import into FCPX http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5349/question-gh2-avchd-timecode-corruption-on-import-into-fcpx Sat, 01 Dec 2012 19:34:22 +0000 nyexcuse 5349@/talks/discussions So I have had this issue for a couple weeks now, and I don't know where else to turn.

I hacked my GH2 a few months ago and things have been pretty lovely so far. A couple weeks ago, however, as I was importing some AVCHD files from my SD card (64GB SanDisk Extreme) into Final Cut Pro X and some of them gave me this error upon import:

"Import Failed: The following clip encountered an error during import and is still referencing media on the camera: Clip Name: 2012-12-01 19:21:00 Event: X Original Name: Clip #X Volume: NO NAME"

After looking around, I noticed that the files that presented this issue had a strange timecode. Instead of displaying a normal start time of "00:00:00:00" they started with "23:27:41:06". Only some files are like this, and as far as I can tell it only happens to clips that used lenses that have been adapted to the camera (non-4/3 Panasonic lenses).. Other than that I don't know what's going on.

Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything I can do to fix it?


GH2 post-production workflows http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1888/gh2-post-production-workflows Sat, 31 Dec 2011 16:46:53 +0000 sohus 1888@/talks/discussions
Main NLE software:
Avid 6.0
Premiere Pro 6.0
Sony Vegas


I have been working with FCPX for a while now and while it worked fine in the beginning, it really became very slow in a big project till the point of being unusable. I am currently trying out Avid. I have worked with Premiere but I hate it. Bad UI, still weird errors after all those years, cluttered interface, dynamic link has many issues, not many keyboard shortcuts, strange tool behaviour... it is a marketing hype but it sucks. I am on a mac so other tools (Lightworks, Vegas) are out of scope for me now. ]]>
GH3 footage + Premiere CS6 + Resove 9 = In/Out Points messup; Timecode? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6955/gh3-footage-premiere-cs6-resove-9-inout-points-messup-timecode Mon, 13 May 2013 17:17:20 +0000 PCortacans 6955@/talks/discussions Sorry if this question has been proposed before.

I shot some footage at 50fps on my GH3. After ocking a movie on Premiere (at 25fps) I moved it to Resolve 9 Lite via an XML file. For some unknown reason some clips (only some of them) show different in/out points than the Premiere version. All clips were shot in a 30 min time window. I suspect that it might be because of the Timecode settings of the original clips, inherited from GH3 settings (maybe cause it shifted from 3:xx:xx to 4:xx:xx during shooting?).

What have I done wrong? If it's related to Timecode settings: How should I set my camera to prevent this from happening? How can I fix it in post (either Premiere or Resolve)?

Thanks for answering!


Automator App to rename .MTS and generate .THM files for 5DtoRGB http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2714/automator-app-to-rename-.mts-and-generate-.thm-files-for-5dtorgb Wed, 28 Mar 2012 13:27:34 +0000 simonstar66 2714@/talks/discussions Hi everyone

I had some workflow troubles because the .MTS files often have identical names and there is no timecode in the Quicktimes when I generate them with 5DtoRGB.

I wrote a short Automator app, which adds the creation time to the .MTS filename and generates a .THM file with the creation date and time as EXIF data.

For it to work you need ExifTool: http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/

And the file template.THM has to be in /Applications/THM creator/

When you convert these files with 5DtoRGB (Batch) it will add timecode to the Quicktimes.

Feel free to use it or change and improve it if you have more ideas. For example I wanted to create the .THM file as a real thumbnail from the .MTS. But didn't manage. Will be very useful for me as I'll not run into the annoying situation anymore when there are files with identical names and timecodes. Hopefully it is useful for some of you, too.


Anyone used a Lockit Buddy? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2581/anyone-used-a-lockit-buddy Wed, 14 Mar 2012 22:14:08 +0000 B3Guy 2581@/talks/discussions Hey, everyone! The rental house where I am interning just picked up a "Lockit Buddy", and I was just wondering if anyone else is using these or is aware of their capabilities. Its basically a small box that takes in timecode and sends that to your camera's audio track, essentially enabling proper dual-system timecode synched audio on DSLR type cameras that otherwise would not have timecode. OF course you must edit in a software that supports audio timecode, but the site lists Avid and FCP both as software that have this ability. I'll be testing this nifty little thing out in the near future, so I'll re port back when I've used it ia bit more, but I just thought it sounded like something very useful.

