Tagged with tests - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/tests/feed.rss Wed, 03 Jul 24 18:01:26 +0000 Tagged with tests - Personal View Talks en-CA GH4 - Best Video Settings http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10255/gh4-best-video-settings Fri, 25 Apr 2014 20:17:13 +0000 maddog15 10255@/talks/discussions Hello all. Anxiously awaiting my GH4, I'm starting the same thread topic that I did with the GH3. At 32 pages of input and tests for the GH3's Best Video Settings, I thought it would be a good idea to do the same for the GH4. Dedicated to user input and results regarding video settings alone. Please share and post your video tests, comparisons and opinions.

I look forward to sharing and learning from you all.

Driftwood Sedna q1 vs Red Epic 5k http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2721/driftwood-sedna-q1-vs-red-epic-5k- Thu, 29 Mar 2012 14:19:30 +0000 woodybrando 2721@/talks/discussions Here's a comparison video between my friend's r3d EPIC and my gh2 with driftwood's sedna q1 hack. we're planning a feature and wondering if it'd b better to shoot on 3 gh2's or one EPIC.

first impressions were that the r3d footage made the gh2 footage look like I'd turned my contrast all the way up in the gh2 I couldn't believe how contrasty the gh2 footage looked in comparison. and I used smooth -2,-2,-2,-2

anyone have any experience using an ultra con filter to flatten the gh2 image?

also, noise @ 320 in the darks on the gh2 was pretty bad. about 2 times worse than the epic. maybe it was the iso bug we'll have to test again. or maybe i need to turn noise reduction up it was pretty much a dealbreaker as far as planning to use the current gh2 to make the feature

good news was sharpness was on par with the 5k image. In fact, I actually added sharpness to the epic footage to match the gh2.

is there anyway to flatten out the gh2 in the matrix?

UPDATE: turns out my friend's monitor was exaggerating the difference between the cameras. I color corrected, sharpened and denoised the clips to match each other. Check out the vid and let me know which u think is which:

and here's the evidence that it really is epic footage vs. gh2 footage
