Tagged with style - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/style/feed.rss Sun, 06 Oct 24 15:53:29 +0000 Tagged with style - Personal View Talks en-CA Share your D7100 movie picture style http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10661/share-your-d7100-movie-picture-style Tue, 24 Jun 2014 06:16:07 +0000 psychoanima 10661@/talks/discussions Hi all,

I am the proud owner of the D7100 and I don't know if you were desperate as I was while watching first movie tests recorded with this camera. You guess it: Horizontal noise, or bending if you prefer.

Of course I tried different picture styles for D7000 and they looked terrible because the sensor is not the same. The D7000's chip doesn't have same banding issues as Toshiba's on D7100.

So, I decided to experiment by myself with PictureControlUtility and create my own style that can satisfy my needs while shooting the video with my awesome D7100. My picture style can be found here:


It's based on Neutral pic style. With this look I can go up to ISO 4000 and to enjoy image quality, where grain looks more film like and less digital. It has more contrast than usual Neutral style, BUT less horizontal noise, and in my case I can recover dark parts very easily in DaVinci Resolve.

Anyway, I open this topic because I would like, as many others I guess, to see from other videographers their custom D7100 Picture style(s), to share it here with the other users as an alternative for shooting with less 'bending' headache :)


DSLR Cameras: Important things about Flat Profile Picture Style http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10337/dslr-cameras-important-things-about-flat-profile-picture-style- Thu, 08 May 2014 05:19:29 +0000 davidhjlindberg 10337@/talks/discussions Hey guys!

I just answered a question I got a few days ago in this video. It's about using a flat profile picture style as well as setting up some of the settings in your camera to make it as flat as possible, and why you should leave some settings although everyone says you shouldn't.

Let me know what you think of these thoughts!

Cook Picture Styles for Canon EOS http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9554/cook-picture-styles-for-canon-eos Thu, 06 Feb 2014 02:07:55 +0000 apefos 9554@/talks/discussions A set of 28 picture styles for Canon to be used in camera and in digital photo professional software with the in-camera grading concept.

Picture Style for Canon DSLR by Apefos http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9483/picture-style-for-canon-dslr-by-apefos Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:08:26 +0000 apefos 9483@/talks/discussions I developed a Picture Style for Canon DSLR. You can see the demo video on vimeo and get the Picture Style in my website. Thanks.

SVS-Vistek M4/3 camera 'Hasselblad style' http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6280/svs-vistek-m43-camera-hasselblad-style Wed, 27 Feb 2013 23:54:46 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 6280@/talks/discussions I found this news in 43rumors.

Translation from google:

'The SVCam-EVO "Tracer" combines the excellent features of the EVO series with the advantages of a controlled about Micro Four Thirds lens. They thus allowing total control over focal length (zoom), focus and iris. Thus, the lens becomes a fully integrated part of the camera. Of sophisticated photo field of micro-4/3 "lens standard was used. This standard consists of a widespread bayonet system for compact cameras and is optimized for 100% of your digital image. The selection of suitable lenses is growing rapidly and can already no wishes openly'

  • Micro Four Thirds mount
  • full electronic support for aperture control and autofocus
  • Remote Lens control via Ethernet
  • Monochrome or Color sensor (made by Truesense Imaging)
  • Full-Frame speeds of 146Hz, 85Hz, 40Hz and 21Hz at 1, 2, 4 and 8 Megapixels respectively
  • Dual GigE Vision Data-Interface (Gigabit Ethernet Standard)
  • GigE Vision und GenIcam Standard compatible
  • Two parallel Ethernet connections
  • variable AOI
  • SDK for Windows (32/64 bit) and Linux.
  • Sequence Shutter mode and enhanced Strobe control
  • On-the-fly programmable AOI for higher frame rates and reduced data transfer
  • 3 Inputs and 3 Outputs (put details in the spec table)
  • 2 Outputs for driving LED flash illumination or Pan-Tilt mount (see spec)
  • RS-232 communication for controlling external devices over the Gige interface
  • Rugged IP-67 rated housing
  • Standard M12 industry-proven connectors for use with COTS cabling
NEED HELP to find the best (set of) Settings for my Project http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5474/need-help-to-find-the-best-set-of-settings-for-my-project Thu, 13 Dec 2012 06:21:30 +0000 MetaControl 5474@/talks/discussions Hi guys!

Once again I am pondering a decision to which I would like to inquire on this forum's awesome knowledge of all things GHack2 related.

So what is this all about? You see, I am in pre-production for a no budget webseries called JÄSØN (http://creativemonkeys.org/jason/), a satire about a failing wannabe serial killer klutz. The style I am going for is grimy dark and dusky narrative. A lot of Se7en and 8mm. The first episode has a long low steadicam shot going through several rooms of Jäsøn's trashy apartment, showcasing his failed and broken life. There are moments of serenity, when light breaks through barred windows and plays with dust in its path, there are many dark corners and an overall low saturated, mid/hard contrast range and a wicked eeriness I want to achieve. Then there is a low light scene in a bathroom with flickering fluorescence light, and one ultra slow motion moment.

Our DoP will light it properly, I have no doubts, but I would like to have the proper Hack for the right shot prepared. I thought about getting a couple of cheap and slow SD cards and store different hacks on them and use them on set as we need them.

But here is my problem: My DoP is not familiar with the GH2 - he has a 5D MKII he suggested to use, but I think the GH2 has a nicer film look - and I want to make it as easy for him as I can, by having the best settings ready. And since I am not so good with cameras to understand the finer details as much as many of you do. This is why I am turning to you for help.

I need a set of 3-5 hacks that I can swap on set when needed, to accomplish the best shots. The premises are:

Best Quality - The best possible image quality. Is 2k HD MotionJPG an option? Any other suggestion? Film Look - as close to narrative cinema (80/90ies) as possible. I am considering to use anamorphic lenses here and there, so that should work too. Slow Motion and Ultra Slow Motion - I don't mind using 720p and upscale it later for those shots. How much difference is GOP1 and GOP3. Good Low Light - I do have light, so I am not too worried about low light situations, but I might want a shot were we deliberately do not use any light and for that, I would like to be prepared. Equal Quality/Equal Style - All the hacks need to work and/or work together flawlessly. 25FPS - Living in Europe, I have to adjust to the 50Hz issue. This is why I am opting for 25FPS, but IIRC it should work just as well with 24FPS as long as the shutter is set to 50/100 etc. right? [Edit] Greenscreen - For some effect shots, we will use a greenscreen and a good setting for that, to preserve as much color and details as possible, would be great too.

I am looking forward to your suggestions (including in-camera settings, workflow etc.) and thankful for your help.

PS: I forgot to mention: I have a 64GB 45MB/s SanDisc Ultra and currently no budget to buy the 95MB/s version, as I have to put the few bucks I have into other things, but spanning is irrelevant for me, as there are no shots that should be longer than 3-4 minutes. Thoughts?

GangNam Style http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4678/gangnam-style Sat, 22 Sep 2012 23:19:45 +0000 stoney 4678@/talks/discussions Just watch and learn how to dance :)


Canon's Picture Style Editor necessary for color grade? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4798/canons-picture-style-editor-necessary-for-color-grade Wed, 03 Oct 2012 02:33:09 +0000 RyanPW 4798@/talks/discussions I recently came upon this great short film shot with the Canon 550d, and I found the color grade just blew me away. I noticed that their was some film grain added, and some other work done, but I found something about the quality of the image to really stand out from a lot of other 550d footage. It was in fact the Picture Style Editor that Canon has which allows you to create a preset that does a color balance without affecting your skin tones. This was mentioned in the comments of the video (the 8th person down) as a main reason why the director doesn't work with a gh2, as their is no form of this for doing a proper color grade while maintaining the skin tones.

Here is the video:

But could you not do the same grade in after effects with something like the Color Finesse tool? Or perhaps in CS6's speedgrade program (I have not used this yet)? It would seem quite compelling to me that panasonic does not have an option like this for their camera's as it does make a pretty big difference, but perhaps it is only because their is another work around that the director of this video did not know about? I'm curious to hear if anyone knows a solution to this problem, as I'd love to keep my skin tones intact for future shoots as I really do like the color grade of this video.

Thanks for the input!
