Tagged with soligor - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/soligor/feed.rss Fri, 05 Jul 24 20:32:31 +0000 Tagged with soligor - Personal View Talks en-CA Help with Soligor/generic 1.33 anamorphic lens. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/662/help-with-soligorgeneric-1.33-anamorphic-lens. Sat, 13 Aug 2011 08:52:33 +0000 Gabel 662@/talks/discussions Sharpness seems ok, especially with stuff at a distance. But this thing needs a diopter which brings me to my second point.

That damn lens hood! Firstly I'm a matte box user and that thing gets in the way. Secondly, it won't take filters. So I need to get a solution to this.
One is to get a new front, if these exist (the front says called DC-S HOOD 72mm).
The other is to remove the hood. Here was a guide on how to remove one from a Nikon lens and I'm guessing this technique would work here too though.

But it won't take filters. As I have yet to find any 4X4 diopters (I hear Tiffen makes them, but haven't been able to find them), but if these exist, this would work great.
Otherwise I could try to fit a filter holder on the front. The area around the lens is recessed as you can see, which I think could work to mount a step ring to get a filter gear.
But would it work to mount a diopter behind the lens? Then I could just get a 52mm one that I could mount in between the anamorphic lens and my lenses. This would mean I won't have to mount a step ring.]]>