Tagged with smart - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/smart/feed.rss Sun, 06 Oct 24 00:31:10 +0000 Tagged with smart - Personal View Talks en-CA LAV MIC for GH4 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16737/lav-mic-for-gh4 Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:12:34 +0000 IS2 16737@/talks/discussions I had a Rode smart lav - it wasn't great I've since moved onto the Audio Technica ATR 3350. I used these microphones straight into my GH4/GH3 for interview audio. Now I want to upgrade my audio quality as I noticed with certain tones etc there's distortion. Can anyone recommend any options?

I'm not wanting to buy a Zoom I don't think and I would like price to be reasonable and the ability to get to lavs into one system if possible.

Smart Rendering GH4 4K on Windows? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12262/smart-rendering-gh4-4k-on-windows Wed, 28 Jan 2015 06:05:46 +0000 NickHope 12262@/talks/discussions Before I start archiving the best parts of my footage in MagicYUV lossless .avi format at a bitrate 18x bigger than the original, I am wondering if anyone has found a way to reliably smart render (no recompression) 4K UHD MP4 footage from the Panasonic GH4. My typical nature footage features a lot of unwanted head and tail. Really I just want to split the files on the PC, not in-camera. I don't care if it's forced to i-Frames or if the first and final GOPs don't render well.

The "main" NLEs won't do it. I tried TMPGEnc Smart Renderer and that didn't work. I expect it's beyond VideoReDo and Womble.

I have heard that Cyberlink PowerDirector tries it but there are glitches in the result from version 12 (reported at http://www.avsforum.com/forum/161-camcorders/1533217-cambridge-uk-4k.html ). Unfortunately the version 13 trial version doesn't support 4k so it would mean spending $80 on the program to test it.

I also notice that Corel VideoStudio Pro X7 features "4k smart rendering" and there is a fully-functional trial version but it's 800MB.

Predictions http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6219/predictions Fri, 22 Feb 2013 17:34:37 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6219@/talks/discussions

But a third stage remains, one which in China at any rate may be reached at no distant period, when capital and organising energy may be developed within the country, either by Europeans planted there or by natives. Thus fully equipped for future internal development in all the necessary productive powers, such a nation may turn upon her civiliser, untrammelled by need of further industrial aid, undersell him in his own market, take away his other foreign markets and secure for herself what further developing work remains to be done in other undeveloped parts of the earth. The shallow platitudes by which the less instructed Free Trader sometimes attempts to shirk this vital issue have already been exposed. It is here enough to repeat that Free Trade can nowise guarantee the maintenance of industry or of an industrial population upon any particular country, and there is no consideration, theoretic or practical, to prevent British capital from transferring itself to China, provided it can find there a cheaper or more efficient supply of labour, or even to prevent Chinese capital with Chinese labour from ousting British produce in neutral markets of the world. What applies to Great Britain applies equally to the other industrial nations which have driven their economic suckers into China. It is at least conceivable that China might so turn the tables upon the Western industrial nations, and, either by adopting their capital and organisers or, as is more probable, by substituting her own, might flood their markets with her cheaper manufactures, and refusing their imports in exchange might take her payment in liens upon their capital, reversing the earlier process of investment until she gradually obtained financial control over her quondam patrons and civilisers. This is no idle speculation. If China in very truth possesses those industrial and business capacities with which she is commonly accredited, and the Western Powers are able to have their will in developing her upon Western lines, it seems extremely likely that this reaction will result.

Via: John A. Hobson, Imperialism, A Study, 1902

Smart Sound Editing to Strip just the Voice-over from Mixed Audio? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5353/smart-sound-editing-to-strip-just-the-voice-over-from-mixed-audio Sun, 02 Dec 2012 03:53:01 +0000 goanna 5353@/talks/discussions This must have happened a dozen times: a client asks me to sub-title a documentary which has so much voice-over commentary I feel obliged to tell them they need to re-voice-over the commentary part [and sub-title only the interviews, pieces to camera, signage. etc]. This is standard process.

However, the client seldom manages to come up with the un-mixed multi track copy, yet gets the producer's permission to go ahead.

So-oo, I'm just wondering whether anybody has had any luck trying to erase the voice alone from mixed audio which might have a background of sync sound, maybe music and atmos,. [No, the budgets these clients propose do not extend to the painstaking re-creation of all audio tracks].

Since I'll be laying down another language voice-over, largely on top of where the original voice-over existed, I'm thinking maybe I could get away with reducing the original voice to a mere murmur and the new voice might cover up the old one.
