Tagged with sint - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/sint/feed.rss Sat, 28 Sep 24 21:46:59 +0000 Tagged with sint - Personal View Talks en-CA Speculum (Horror Short) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9641/speculum-horror-short Mon, 17 Feb 2014 05:59:05 +0000 conscius 9641@/talks/discussions Hello,

this is my last shortfilm (6 minutes) Shot with GH3 lumix 12-35mm f2.8 and nokton 25mm f0,95 lens all settings -2

Please tell me what you think.

Shortfilm Andromeda (shot on GH3) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9627/shortfilm-andromeda-shot-on-gh3 Sat, 15 Feb 2014 01:40:07 +0000 conscius 9627@/talks/discussions

Hello! I posted this film 2 months ago. But after a few hours I had to make te film private (for soms festival). This time it stays online.

So I filmed this shortmovie with a GH3, lumix 12-35mm f2.8 and nokton 25mm f0.95 lenses. All settings -2

Can you guys please tell me what you think?

Thank you

GH2 Film Modes - Matrices and Dynamic range http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3315/gh2-film-modes-matrices-and-dynamic-range Wed, 23 May 2012 13:56:55 +0000 shian 3315@/talks/discussions So I've been doing some extensive testing on the different film modes available on the GH2 that I will post soon, but below are a few things I've discovered that might be of use to you all.

All tests were done with the following settings (-2,-2,0,-2) except Vibrant (-2,-2-1,-2), using a gray card, my hand as skin tone, a piece of skin tone colored felt, and color swatches consisting of primary colors, black and white, sky blue, and earth tones. Attached are stills from one of the Skin tone tests

Cinema - while it does render pleasing midtones, and really handles white highlights very well, skin tone highlights turn greenish and blow out very quickly. Shadows falloff very quickly. The result is a very cinematic look in the midrange but leaves you a very small tolerance in terms of DR. If shooting a flat 2:1 style scene this may actually work very well for you.

Vibrant - Terrible shadow response. Even with the saturation set to negative 1, the boost in color vibrance is nothing that can't be reproduced in post with less chroma smearing shooting Smooth which has a better shadow response. Vibrant stretches it's highlights, and compresses it's midtones in a way that is very hard to undo in post. Everything Vibrant has to offer can be achieved in post shooting with Smooth.

Smooth - The most even response curve of the bunch, handles shadows and highlights very well, no chromatic aberrations above 75% like some of the other modes, low grain in shadows down to 20%. Best overall shooting mode.

Nostalgic - GREAT Shadow response. Stretches shadows and mids evenly, very decent skin tone, but begins to break down above 70%, heavy highlight compression. Very warm, but this can be compensated for in the white balance by adding blue, and a little green.



----more to come.
