Tagged with poe - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/poe/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 04:20:01 +0000 Tagged with poe - Personal View Talks en-CA Ligeia (Poe Project Best Film) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8112/ligeia-poe-project-best-film Sat, 14 Sep 2013 20:09:31 +0000 Greek_m43 8112@/talks/discussions Here's our adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's 'Ligeia'. It won the Sacramento Poe Project last night. Shot it on a GH3 (figured I'd give a blind try over my GH2), standard, -5s all across, SLR Magic lenses, Canon FD lenses, 20 pancake, graded with DaVinci Resolve and ColorGHear. Let me know what you think.
