Tagged with of - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/of/p1/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 00:14:40 +0000 Tagged with of - Personal View Talks en-CA I Directed a no-budget Game of Thrones Fan Film - 30% GH4 & G7 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17004/i-directed-a-no-budget-game-of-thrones-fan-film-30-gh4-g7 Wed, 24 May 2017 06:41:10 +0000 Bernie 17004@/talks/discussions Last year, myself and a friend wrote a Game of Thrones Fan Film script and gathered a crew of enthusiatic and talented people trying to break into the local industry. The show is filmed where I live in Belfast and we were trying to make ourselves known. I directed the film, although I shot small portions on G7 as either B cam or when the DP was unavailable.

Here's the finished film.

It was mainly filmed on the FS700 with the firmware upgrade that turns it into a 4K beast. Some scenes shot with GH4 and G7, and even a few LX100 B cam shots. Personally, I think it shows that money is best spent elsewhere as long as you have a half decent and reliable camera system. It was a massive headache though matching vintage lenses on GH4 to more the modern canon and panasonic glass, nightmare. Don't do it, stick to one or the other.

Cheers, Ciaran

"If it's purple, someones gonna die" - a useful guide to cinematic colour use http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16765/if-its-purple-someones-gonna-die-a-useful-guide-to-cinematic-colour-use Wed, 19 Apr 2017 07:03:09 +0000 andyharris 16765@/talks/discussions I bought this book and read it over the weekend:


It's a useful guide to why colours are chosen, and, how they have worked their way into our visual literacy. It reads easily and one can easily see the points raised in the context of each film discussed.

Putting that new knowledge into practice seems way more difficult, since you'll find orange and green used in many different ways - context is everything (probably).

I would say the PDF is well worth a glance over a cuppa.

GH2 Stills Problem http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15933/gh2-stills-problem Mon, 24 Oct 2016 13:00:10 +0000 jondshank 15933@/talks/discussions Recently I started taking stills with my gh2 in addition to using it for it's AMAZING video.

When I manually focus, whether through the LCD or LVF just before the image is in focus to my eye it looks soft and dreamy more so than out of focus, and beyond the subject it will start to actually look out of focus.

I took some when it actually looked IN FOCUS and I feel like it just doesn't look as sharp as my old Canon 60D (By quite a bit to be honest)

I'll post a picture so you can see. I shot this in manual, f/2.8 at 70mm on a tripod with around 160 shutter speed and 200ISO. I'll post a before and after grade.

Before: http://imgur.com/a/H3bPw

After: http://imgur.com/JjxF8ZD

Do you think this is an operator, lens, or camera problem?

Also please do critique my grade, I'm relatively new to all this.

GH2 Stills look soft (Tokina 28-70m f/2.8 + Metabones) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15928/gh2-stills-look-soft-tokina-28-70m-f2.8-metabones Mon, 24 Oct 2016 00:03:00 +0000 jondshank 15928@/talks/discussions Recently I started taking stills with my gh2 in addition to the amazing video performance.

When I focus, whether through the LCD or LVF just before the image is in focus to my eye it looks soft and dreamy more so than out of focus, and beyond the subject it will start to actually look out of focus.

I took some when it actually looked IN FOCUS and I feel like it just doesn't look as sharp as my old Canon 60D (By quite a bit to be honest)

I'll post a picture so you can see. I shot this in manual, f/2.8 at 70mm on a tripod with around 160 shutter speed. I'll post a before and after grade.

Before: http://imgur.com/a/H3bPw

After: http://imgur.com/JjxF8ZD

Do you think this is an operator, lens, or camera problem?

Also please do critique my grade, I'm relatively new to all this.

The making of tennis balls http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15409/the-making-of-tennis-balls Sat, 23 Jul 2016 08:36:41 +0000 joethepro 15409@/talks/discussions

Filming a SWAT raid http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14843/filming-a-swat-raid Mon, 21 Mar 2016 10:16:48 +0000 n5p 14843@/talks/discussions A fun scene filming a SWAT raid of a suspected arms smuggler in Petrol The Series. The episode comes out next month on our YouTube channel.

YouTube: www.youtube.com/petroltheseries

Chinese Lunar New Year 2016 Lion Dances in Boston http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14649/chinese-lunar-new-year-2016-lion-dances-in-boston- Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:55:26 +0000 PauloTeixeira 14649@/talks/discussions This was on February 21, 2016. It was originally supposed to be on the 14th but it was too cold and so they ended up rescheduling it.

I don't think I told Google to stabilize the video but last night, I saw that the video was saying "Edit in progress" check it later today and was told the video got stabilized. I guess my video had so many shakes that Google insisted that it be stabilized rather I choose it or not. Still, for all I know, I might have hit it by accident without realizing it.

Shot with the ancient Panasonic AC90 camcorder in 30p and edited using Premiere Pro CC.

Fear of Girls Web Series Episode 4 Kickstarter http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7649/fear-of-girls-web-series-episode-4-kickstarter Wed, 31 Jul 2013 22:22:37 +0000 Brian202020 7649@/talks/discussions So a good friend of mine Director Ryan Wood is doing a Kickstarter for the next episode in his popular web series Fear of Girls. If he gets the funding, which I'm sure he will since it isn't even 24 hours yet and he's 1/3 there, I will be shooting it on the BMCC MFT and BMPCC. Check it out especially if you're into the whole RPG thing. There are 3 episodes (I didn't shoot any of them, but was the first AC on the third one) and they are funny, witty, and entertaining. All three episodes are on the Kickstarter page. If you like what you see and want to see a forth episode, back his Kickstarter, you can donate as little as $1 if you want. Thanks.


We need a DP for 2-3 days http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8238/we-need-a-dp-for-2-3-days Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:20:36 +0000 matt_gh2 8238@/talks/discussions This may be a cool opportunity for someone in MD or neaby area. We've completed 90% of our feature film shoot, but our DP is ill and recovering. We need someone who can DP the remaining few scenes. It's a paid position. You don't need a long resume...you just need to be good. So if you're interested PM with a link to what you've done, and best way to contact you. We have all the equipment needed - we just need your artistry and good eye.

We are slaves of the brands? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7549/we-are-slaves-of-the-brands Thu, 18 Jul 2013 01:26:34 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 7549@/talks/discussions I anticipate that my English is bad.

When the episode of 'Dr House' was shot with a Canon 5D that was an event, not stop mentioning it on the internet. Then there have been more movies and short films using DSLR's Canon in whole or in any scene and usually tends to be highlighted, such as the case of 'The Avengers'.

Across the street I see is different, 'Musgo' was shot with a GH2, for some the first film made with a GH2 and was a success but not of such magnitude as 'Dr House', was following more in underground forums. (I want to clarify that 'Musgo' is not the first film shot with a GH2, another movie so spanish which was also before shot with a GH2 entitled 'Diamond Flash' in 2011, but the time difference is small, only few months, but it was released in 2011, 'Musgo' was released in 2013). Following the main idea 'Upstream Color' was filmed with GH2 and this fact was not so great repercussion. So too are some movies and a lot of short films made with a GH2 without much discussion.

Something similar happens in the case of films and shorts which uses Nikon, for example, few know that in the series 'Dexter' was used the Nikon D800, while 'Dr House' Canon case was known even people who dont know of cinema or photography, but I'm sure if it was with a Canon the news was a great event.

I see the camera as a means or a tool, really the important in a film is to have a good script -is preferable to have a good script and not a good camera with a bad script-, there are excellent movies that have a great script and the cinematography is austere and even loose, but the spectator is left with the memory of a good story. Sure, good cinematography helps a lot, the ideal is to have a balanced, although a great director can rescue a loose script or story ordinary. I see how many in the industry -mostly low budget- so focused in Canon cameras and I think that marketing has eaten the brain of many people, is obvious that if you feel comfortable with a particular camera is great to use it, but be more open and know isnt a mark problem, this causes ridiculous arguments from experts Canonboy that the GH2 has a video look (videoish). I'm sure if many of them see 'Upstream color' without know that camera was shot ​​will comment; 'very good cinematography, great look', and it was made with a high budget camera, but if you tell thar was made with a GH2 will be conditioned in advance.

In my case I bought a GH2 after many inquiries on the internet, in my country everybody told me what buy Canon, the 550D was the only one that was close to my budget, but its video quality not convicting them and another cameras as the 5D is away much of my pocket and in a forum someone told me about the GH2 and as I have open mind I saw something that I liked and made inquiries understanding for that price I get quality near to cameras of high budget. I dont want to talk from me, just put my example, only what dont understand how some people are so focused on a brand, as if the mark were doing you a favor by using or as if you were paying you.

135 Shots That Will Restore Your Faith in Cinema http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3971/135-shots-that-will-restore-your-faith-in-cinema Thu, 19 Jul 2012 11:03:32 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 3971@/talks/discussions

My last AF100 film will be playing before "Ted" at the Mall of America theater this weekend. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3703/my-last-af100-film-will-be-playing-before-ted-at-the-mall-of-america-theater-this-weekend. Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:01:22 +0000 Brian202020 3703@/talks/discussions "Len's Helper", my last AF100 film I shot before I sold it, will be playing before "Ted" at the Mall of America theater this opening weekend.

Len's Helper


Color Grading & Visual Effects Before & After - Hacked GH1 (GH13,GH17) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1990/color-grading-visual-effects-before-after-hacked-gh1-gh13gh17 Wed, 11 Jan 2012 17:06:25 +0000 pixelphile 1990@/talks/discussions Hey guys,

Here is a little before and after comparison video to show how far you can push hacked footage during a color grade.

Hope ya like it,

Michael "Pixelphile"
