Tagged with night-time - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/night-time/feed.rss Wed, 03 Jul 24 12:53:07 +0000 Tagged with night-time - Personal View Talks en-CA Bulb Mode for Still Photography http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3138/bulb-mode-for-still-photography Mon, 07 May 2012 15:10:17 +0000 el_reverend 3138@/talks/discussions Hi all,

I recently purchased the GH2 and must say that despite all the great features and quality I am somewhat disappointed by not only battery performance but also the crippled Bulb mode.

At this point I am evaluating the camera and trying to throw it into my 'real world' tests as much as I can. One of thie things I set out to do this year will or should involve long time exposures. Now, I have the feeling that I might not need 6hr exposures, but even the missing more than 2min exposures setting is a bit troubling.

I have read through various forums, guide, etc. but have only found a few references to bulb mode exposures for STILL photography. While it seems that you cannot change the firmware to allow for longer exposures, I often see a mention of using external remotes, but it seems often a 'should work scenario' answer.

Has anyone used a specific remote (maybe the one available from Panasonic) to do a longer exposure maybe over 10min or even longer? A) what gear did you use and B) how did you work with the GH2, and C) would you mind sharing an example of such a shot?

I'd hate to return the DH2 just to get a bigger DSRL for a feature that should be included in a camera of this price range and performance level.

Thanks in advance.
