Tagged with newbie - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/newbie/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 01:25:25 +0000 Tagged with newbie - Personal View Talks en-CA Did My Hacked Settings Even Work? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11768/did-my-hacked-settings-even-work Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:36:20 +0000 kamhunt 11768@/talks/discussions BASIC, new guy question: How do I know the hacked settings work/worked? I see no change in my menus on the camera? I don't see a way to select new settings and I don't see any new categories? Someone help a brotha' out

Gx1 Hacks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8527/gx1-hacks Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:27:23 +0000 ibluestone 8527@/talks/discussions Hey Guys

So having both the GX1 and a G6 i Just realised theres hack for the GX1 aswell

Being new to this Forum and only recently developing an interest for Film Making & Grading im getting myself very confused and was wondering if you Guys could help..

I have never hacked a Camera before and i am not to sure about the Process and how complex it is and was wondering if some one could give me a clear indication if hacking a Camera is quick or a painful process and will it make a huge difference to my picture.. so far i have been playing with magic bullet looks mojo on my G6 with a 19mm sigma lens and uploaded to after effects.. and my results are impressive but not as epic as these amazing videos of hacks i see all over youtube and vimeo..

I'm extremely blown away by all the Videos iam seeing of the hacked GH2's GF2's.. and i have to say it has more of an Epic cinematic Effect.. Im eager to try this on both my cameras but seeing as theres no G6 hack yet the Gx1 might be a good starting point for me to check out this hole hacking business..

Can any one point to me some instructions or find me a link to where i can download this hack for the GX1 and a simple step by step guide without to many complications.. I am really looking forward and excited to get started with Movie making especially now i am learning after effects.

I hope i don't sound like a doughnut with these questions i mean it is 5:20am here in London so excuse me

Thanks so much in advance!

Settings best for aircraft spotting? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7104/settings-best-for-aircraft-spotting Wed, 29 May 2013 20:02:56 +0000 TommiH 7104@/talks/discussions Look, I've been a member of this community from the start. However, I'm lost. I just don't know what settings to use to shoot the thing I shoot the most: Aircrafts in the sky (with a looooong lens). Which setting gives me the best render of the sky, the aircraft, and leaves a lot of room for fiddling around with Apple Color? I KNOW. A very difficult question. I've been trying to figure it all out by myself, but I have to face it... I need a little help. :)


Previous Settings were fine for this:

But not for this:
