Tagged with modular - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/modular/feed.rss Fri, 05 Jul 24 19:21:25 +0000 Tagged with modular - Personal View Talks en-CA Smart New Camera Cage for GH4 and GH3 - the TrueGrip! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13903/smart-new-camera-cage-for-gh4-and-gh3-the-truegrip Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:23:27 +0000 sam_rides_a_mtb 13903@/talks/discussions https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samsielen/true-grip-a-revolutionary-camera-cage-for-the-gh4

Based on cages initially built by hand, this next generation cage will be CNC'd and even more feature-rich than the previous generations, as well as incredibly light weight and well-balanced!

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While the design is nearly complete, I am still open to ideas and suggestions people here might have. We addressed many of the issues often experienced with other cages on the market and added a few extra features never before seen such as a relocatable grip option!

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Free and easy way to make your camera’s strap detachable http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7933/free-and-easy-way-to-make-your-cameras-strap-detachable Wed, 28 Aug 2013 20:11:10 +0000 maxr 7933@/talks/discussions

Since some time I’ve wanted to leave my camera without the strap but I also wanted to be able to re-strap it back again in a fast way. There are plenty commercial aplications that fulfill this need/wish but is much more fun create your own. This one I called LaZZo and is a design my brother and I developed. Unfortunately I didn’t take any documentation during the creation of the concept – many many hours of talking and exchanging groundbreaking ideas and personal experiences to then draw, first by hand then in computer 3d modeling software, renders of possible outputs, to follow rigorous anatomic and ergonomic tests – or process of making of it – even harder team work.

On the other hand being a fairy simple system, the only thing you’ll need is 1/2 a meter of a strong string/line/rope. We used a military grade one that AM had, you can also go with mountain line or kevlar… the stiffer the hardest to get loose. The only thing is that has to be strong enough and fit into your camera shackle

And this is AM AM, mi brother, and not twister    •    gashô

Laptop for video editing http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6561/laptop-for-video-editing Sun, 31 Mar 2013 17:43:44 +0000 goep 6561@/talks/discussions Hi all, New on the forum after long reads and proud new owner of a 2nd-hand gh2 after I saw the mind-boggling quality this cam can produce after the tickling you great people have provided with the patches/settings and the experience you so kindly share. Being the lackluster owner of a powerbook (yes the g4) and a macmini, I knew I would have to upgrade computerwise if I ever wished to do something with the footage that I would shoot. Impatient as I am, I bought the camera anyway and now I am looking at two smoking cpu's...(smoking as in not in a good way). And on a (no)budget as I am, I was wondering what you good people would advice me to look at. My situation is such that I really can only go for a laptop. I want the thing to be mobile and I have got no room for a computercorner. So a laptop it must be. Off course I have searched the net and everyone seems to agree that the biggest Apple is the only way to go. I have been an 'apple-man' for the past 13 years, but the things are expensive man! So I am willing to look pc-side as well. The thing is, I really don't know what the minimum requirement is for editing the high bit rates that these wonderful settings produce. Can I get by with an older macpro? What processor/gpu is minimally required? I know fcp7, but am willing to learn avid/premiere. I would very much appreciate your feedback.

Uncompressed recorder for cheap? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5/uncompressed-recorder-for-cheap Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:59:04 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5@/talks/discussions Thing will be called HyperDeck Shuttle.

With $345 announced price.


BlackMagic recorder


Something tells me that selling old facioned cameras like AF100 for 200% profit will be tougher and tougher.

Bad thing is that BlackMagic is famous for paper announcments, like their H.264 recorder that had been postponed for almost a year.

Good thing is that making uncompressed recorder is not so complicated as proper H.264 encoder, contrary to common beliefs spreaded by camera manufacturers.

Modular cameras are real future.

See more details at :


Interesting stuff: Mounting clamp http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/778/interesting-stuff-mounting-clamp Fri, 26 Aug 2011 16:26:00 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 778@/talks/discussions

Price: $10 + shipping
