Tagged with mode - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/mode/feed.rss Sat, 29 Jun 24 07:44:17 +0000 Tagged with mode - Personal View Talks en-CA GH2 Mode dial stuck on Auto mode http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23785/gh2-mode-dial-stuck-on-auto-mode Tue, 21 Apr 2020 18:33:45 +0000 LawrenceDee 23785@/talks/discussions Hi there. I'm new to this forum and recently purchased a few Panasonic GH2s and patched them with Sanity X hack with plans to use them to film small concerts. One of the three that I purchased has an interesting issue where the mode dial at the top of the camera seems to be fixed in Auto mode and doesn't seem to change to other modes except for Progressive. The letter on the bottom left side of the LCD displays A mode and only changes to P when I move the mode dial to P. The camera does not seem to switch over to Movie mode or AI or any of the other modes when I turn the dial at the top of the camera. This particular issues was already present before the installation of the Sanity X hack and the issue continues to persist. I would like to use this camera for it's manual video mode in Cinema 24p and would like to know if there is a solution for this issue.

I have a quick video of both my cameras. The first camera is the one with the issue and I have followed by another GH2 which is functioning reliably and well with the Sanity X hack patched in. [


Ideas and/or suggestions on what I could try would be appreciated.

A big thanks to those who have placed so much effort into creating hacks for the gh2. I hope to explore the true value of a hacked GH2 as I navigate my way around this site.

GH4 and anamorphic http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14688/gh4-and-anamorphic Wed, 02 Mar 2016 12:34:32 +0000 Vpro 14688@/talks/discussions Hi to all !

Once again thanks to the ones that use their brain and take time to create some crazy good things !

I have a question about 4K photo mode.

For those who don't know, it enables to record 1:1; 4:3 and 3:2 image.

Here are the image sizes possible:

  • 4K UHD 16/9
  • 3840x2160
  • 4K Anamorphique 4/3
  • 3328x2496
  • 4K Photo mode in mp4
  • 1:1 2880x2880
  • 3:2 3504x2336

With the combination of an anamorphic lens it allows in 1:1 for example, to shoot in 2x time anamorphic with a 16/9 ratio. (not exactly 16/9, maybe 17/9 or 18/9…)

It is awesome because you can have the benefit of shooting anamorphic without being restricted by the "cinemascope" format. This format is nice but may not be appropriate for all movies and anamorphic also has other great attribute :

  • different bokeh.
  • wider field of view.
  • flares for those who like them.

So you'll tell me what's the problem ????

When you enter this 4K photo mode and want a live output via HDMI you need to have a 422 10bit output feed. This 422 10bit option disable the recording on SD card…

And as the output is via HDMI it can only output 4K…so all the various picture sized written above are downscaled to enter in a 4K size… For exemple the 2880x2880 become 2160x2160 in a 3840x2160 so you get a 4K UHD ratio with a square image on it, and so black recorded on left and right.

If you edit in 1080 HD, this 1:1 ratio recorded by 4K HDMIwith a 2x anamorphic, is used by 100% wide and 50% height… So that's not to bad but a little bit of deception as well.

I've tried this morning with a Atomos Shogun recorder I had a chance to use at a production company.

I really plan to test with a Odyssey 7q+ but I think it will be the same because all those equipment are made to work with standards and limited to 4K…

I don't understand why Panasonic made this limitation and in the same time gives us those possibilities (1:1, 3:2…)… They don't have a higher camera to be canibalized (like Canon with 5D and C300…) and they don't sell 4K portable recorders…

SO MY QUESTION IS : May GH4 be hacked ?

to allow 8bit HDMI output with 4K photo mode ?

or to allow recording 10bit 422 on SD ?

I understand the second option may be limited by hardware of the GH4 or by the speed of the SD cards.

The benefit would be 1- having the choice of the image ratio ! 2- having the ability to desqueeze image that I think is a necessity to have a good framing for the operator or other people of the staff/ client

Am I dreaming ? Maybe…but so sad to have the perfect tool for anamorphic and having to use it in a crazy/dangerous/not precise way !

And I don't believe the feature will be unlocked in GH5…

THX for reading! Best .V

Which CCTV lens for wide angle fisheye use ? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7609/which-cctv-lens-for-wide-angle-fisheye-use- Fri, 26 Jul 2013 05:31:26 +0000 TruHype 7609@/talks/discussions Hello everyone,

I've recently started to get interested in C mount (CCTV) lens, for they are fast, wide, and cheap. So I wondered, is there any CCTV lens that I could use as a Fisheye (and get the same effect as the Panasonic 8mm f3.5, but faster) ? Here's a few lens I've found looking on the internet :

  • Rainbow 3.5mm 1.6

  • Tamron 4-12mm 1.2

  • Pentax 6mm 1.2 (+ wide conversion lens x0.45)

Wanted effect :

The GH2 exact m4/3 sensor crop is x1.86.

So I would like to get the same widness as the Panasonic 8mm or any 8mm Fisheye (Samyang, Peleng, Rokinon...) :

Panasonic 8mm : 8 x 1.86 = 14.88mm equivalent (no need for ETC mode)

Rainbow 3.5mm : 3.5 x 1.86 = 6.51 -> 6.51 x 2 = 13mm equivalent

Pentax 6mm : 6 x 1.86 = 11.16 -> 11.6 x 2 = 23.2mm equivalent -> 23.2 x 0.45 = 10.44mm equivalent

x 1.86 : GH2 Sensor Crop

x 2 : ETC tele conversion mode crop (to cover vignetting)

x 0.45 : Wide convversion lens

Does that mean we could use any CCTV c mount lens instead of the Panasonic lens to get the wide fisheye effect ?

A few videos :

Lenses :

C mount lens (1/2") work well on the GH2, but I heard that the CS mount lens (1/3") would still have really heavy vignetting because even with the ETC mode it would not cover entirely the GH2 sensor. Is that true ?

Interesting CS mount lens, but 1/3 inch : http://www.ebay.fr/itm/TAMRON-Manual-Iris-CCTV-Lens-3-0-8mm-1-1-0-ASPHERICAL-C-Mount-3-Mega-Pixel-/261248954560?pt=UK_CCTV&hash=item3cd3a6b0c0

I would use the fisheye to film Skateboarding.

Thank you.

A Few Questions About: Hacked Bitrates, Auto ISO, EV, Modes http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9493/a-few-questions-about-hacked-bitrates-auto-iso-ev-modes Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:14:07 +0000 Heatshiver 9493@/talks/discussions I bought a GH2 mostly for the hacked patches. I have spent hours researching to try to learn what to do and how to use the camera for video purposes. I am hoping that someone can help answer a few questions as most of my information tends to originate from this site:

Setup - In order to achieve the higher bitrates I had to use M from the dial atop the GH2. The camera icon with the M would not allow this. The tradeoff was Auto ISO with M, and adjustable ISO with the camera icon with the M. I use mostly Canon FD lenses.

1a) Bitrates - I have tried a few hacks with varying success. The best I have got is about 100MB with Flow Motion v2.02, however, most of the shots I got with this hack seem to be from 70MB-90MB. I tried Flow Motion, Driftwood's Moon T7, and two Driftwood hacks (176MB & 220MB) from a pack made by the user Sohus on this forum.

Is it common to be well below the stated bitrate amounts?

1b) AVCHD vs MJPEG - I never seemed to get very high bitrates when using 1080i, despite the hacks stating to be much higher. They would range from 15MB-40MB. To achieve higher bitrates with Flow Motion, I used MJPEG which boosted them much higher.

Shouldn't I be achieving high bitrates with AVCHD?

2) Auto ISO - Whenever I use M (from PASM) the ISO would always be set to Auto ISO. I could adjust the ISO when using the camera icon mode (with the M), but then the bitrates would suffer. I tried changing the ISO before shooting, but Auto ISO would kick in no matter what.

How do I change the ISO while in M mode?

3) EV - I know that EV depends upon shutter, aperture, and ISO, but I can see the EV when I push the Display button so I was hoping there was still a way to change it.

Am I correct to assume that because I am using Canon FD lenses I cannot use EV? Even if using a Panasonic lens, how do I change the EV (I tried, but failed).

4) Modes - I have only been able to use the hacked bitrates - and only to a certain degree - by using M with MJPEG.

What modes should I be using to use the hacked patches? The camera icon with M? High Bitrate? 24P? 1080i?

Sorry for all the questions. I am not unhappy with the camera, but I really want to know why the bitrates are not working? And moreso, why the Auto ISO can't be changed (as I don't like the amount of noise it can introduce)? Thank you!

GH4 All-inta 200mbps file size smaller than IPB shooting mode http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12194/gh4-all-inta-200mbps-file-size-smaller-than-ipb-shooting-mode Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:14:42 +0000 DirectorDuncan 12194@/talks/discussions Does anyone know why the file file size is smaller when shooting in All-intra 200mbps, as opposed to IPB 100mbsp on the GH4? I shot 25 seconds of test footage in each record mode. All the other setting remained exactly the same, I only changed the record mode.

The MP4, 24p 1080 All-Intra 200mbps file size was 148.7 MB The MP4, 24p 1080 IPB 100mbps file size was 291.8MB

Any suggestions?

GH4 wake from sleep with remote http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12021/gh4-wake-from-sleep-with-remote Tue, 23 Dec 2014 09:47:17 +0000 tshed 12021@/talks/discussions I need to be able to get a GH4 wake up from sleep mode and go into record from the mini jack remote socket. I've tried this with the sleep mode set to "on" and have found that I can't wake it up from sleep mode using the remote. I am told there maybe a hack available to circumvent this. I want the camera to go to sleep to save power but then quickly wake up and go into record. Do any of the firmware updates released by Panasonic modify this function? is there hack or another workaround? thanks

The Bike (GH4 anamorphic) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11726/the-bike-gh4-anamorphic Sat, 08 Nov 2014 07:09:28 +0000 izash 11726@/talks/discussions An 8 second Anamorphic short, using the GH4 in 4K photo mode and a Rectimascop 48/2x anamorphic lens.

4K Photo Mode Bird Examples http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11582/4k-photo-mode-bird-examples Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:58:23 +0000 ragnar 11582@/talks/discussions Here are a few examples of 4K Photo Mode frame grabs. I say frame grabs because I did the choosing in Premiere and not in the camera as I found grabbing the jpegs in camera too slow. Anyway, I recorded both regular and loop 4K Photo Mode video in both 30p and 24p. I then put those clips in Premiere and found the ones I wanted to export as frame grabs. I exported these frame grabs as .tiffs but I'm not sure that makes them any better than if I had just used the in-camera jpegs. For someone like me that basically takes pics of birds and insects in his backyard, this 4K Photo Mode is really something. It's an embarrassment of riches, it is. I can grab just that right shot for a high-resolution still. Thanks, Panasonic for this innovation.

gh3 keeping the screeninformation while recording http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10635/gh3-keeping-the-screeninformation-while-recording Thu, 19 Jun 2014 01:44:09 +0000 lobbes 10635@/talks/discussions Hello, Does anybody know if it is possible to keep the screeninformation while i am recording in video mode. A few seconds after starting the record button all the information on the the screen disappears. I like to see this information while recording, especially the horizontal "helplines".... Anyone?

Serious Noob Question http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7582/serious-noob-question Tue, 23 Jul 2013 04:22:43 +0000 fear4fun 7582@/talks/discussions Alright, love the hacks and the quality of what I am getting. Currently using the Flowmotion hack. The hack description gives all of the modes (100Mbps AVCHD in 24H 1080p24 and SH 720p50/60 at 8-10 keyframes/sec., 75Mbps AVCHD in HBR 1080p25/30 and FSH 1080i50/60 at 8-10 keyframes/sec., 50Mbps AVCHD in 24L 1080p24, FH 1080i50/60, and H 720p50/60 video modes, 100Mbps MJPEG 1080p Patch maintains high bitrates). However, they aren't called this in the camera.

What is the best way of knowing which mode corresponds to each in-camera setting? ie. When I select Manual Movie Mode, HBR, Cinema, or variable, what am I actually getting? Is there a list of where and how I can get each of the settings? Or should I shoot a sample in each, and use media-info to figure that out?

GF1 hack (manual modes in video) bug http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7283/gf1-hack-manual-modes-in-video-bug Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:14:47 +0000 bkej 7283@/talks/discussions Hello,

I use my GF1 + firmware hack since more than 6 months, it's great, congratulations :)

I have the following problem :

  • Set "Mode A" for video

  • Shut down the camera

  • Power on the camera

  • The "Mode A" setting for video is forgotten! The only way for having "Mode A" for video again is : go in the menu, set ANOTHER mode , e.g. "Mode P" for video, and THEN go in the menu again and set "Mode A" for video again.

I know somebody else having the same problem, with the same camera.

Who should I contact about this little bug?

Thanks in advance.

Lumix gh3 blurry display problem ? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7154/lumix-gh3-blurry-display-problem- Tue, 04 Jun 2013 13:10:43 +0000 Max_Kislinsky 7154@/talks/discussions I have a problem with my Limix GH3 camera. The picture which I see through the viewfinder or internal display is blurry. Like it have been downscaled somehow. Especially it's obvious then I use non-kit lens and Ex. Tele Conv mode. Therefore it's impossible to catch focus right. The picture becoming perfectly sharp when I start video recording so this in not a problem with viewfinder or display. Do you known something about this issue? Maybe there is some workaround to cope with it?

GH2 High Speed Burst Mode at lower res? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7019/gh2-high-speed-burst-mode-at-lower-res Mon, 20 May 2013 14:34:58 +0000 userage 7019@/talks/discussions I done a search but I couldn't find the exact info I was looking for

Has there been a hack to get the high speed burst mode (40fps) of the GH2 at a lower res to get faster fps? Is there no way this can be done? Is it hardwired or something?

Fine Tweaks in GH2 Operations http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1636/fine-tweaks-in-gh2-operations Sun, 04 Dec 2011 21:30:02 +0000 kholi 1636@/talks/discussions
I'm back using the GH2 and now with the hack. Been great. Still love whipping out the Epic and rolling but right now the hacked GH2 is allowing us to move super fast and deliver a format that people can wrangle all on their own. Quite impressed with the quality coming out of the camera in low lit (working with 3-4K lighting packages sort of low lit) situations.

Curious, though, about at least two things:

1. Any way to open up the picture profile (film mode_) manipulation? I'm sure this one has been talked about plenty, seems like it would be top lister. If so, what was the progress on it? I've done a search but not come up with an answer.

2. What's the possibility of opening up the shutter speeds to go from 1/40 to say 1/42, or especially 1/48? Being locked into 1/40 or 1/50, I automatically gravitate toward 1/40. On Canons, I shoot at 1/45. Obviously, neither 1/40(45) or 1/50 equal 180 degrees @ 24 frames, opting for a slower angle over the hair faster one looks better to my eye.

What are complications with doing so? Is it a hardware lock and not a software lock?

The second one would be a major deal to me, as it would further help correct how the camera renders motion.

Thanks for all the hardwork. I get paid next week, so my small contribution is finally going in.
Best Black&White (B&W) FIlm mode and setting for straight Black&White work http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4332/best-blackwhite-bw-film-mode-and-setting-for-straight-blackwhite-work Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:32:33 +0000 mastroiani 4332@/talks/discussions Hello, I'm shooting a short film this Saturday which will be B&W end result. Im wondering if anyone can recommend best settings or film modes or patches for this kind of work. I'm a complete newbies to hacking and right now I'm using FlowMotion V2.02 patch for all around work. I like the idea of having just one patch setting for everything, but not sure what would be best for B&W.

I know that Nostalgic film mode has best dynamic range (from what I've read), but I also read on EOSHD Guide to GH2 that Black and White Smooth Film mode on GH2 is supposed to have the best DR and smoothest gradation out of all film modes. Should I just shoot Black and White Smooth mode straight in the camera or do use another mode and then do B&W in post? How about the best patch?

Any input is appreciated enormously,

Thank you so much.

Lumix g5 Bulb Mode http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4350/lumix-g5-bulb-mode- Fri, 24 Aug 2012 08:32:01 +0000 princecody 4350@/talks/discussions Is there a hack for the 120 seconds time limit in bulb mode?

Creative video mode compared to "A S M P" modes question http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4126/creative-video-mode-compared-to-a-s-m-p-modes-question Thu, 02 Aug 2012 05:25:45 +0000 AKED 4126@/talks/discussions Hi,

I have a question. For my professional videos with my GH2, so with controlled lightning etc, I of course use the creative video mode and so did I also during my private videos. At one time I needed to take a picture during a video take and found out, that I can not do this in creative video mode. But in A S M P and many other modes, when I film in these modes. Now the chosen video format, SHG, SH (1080i, 720p,) or so stays the same in the other modes. What is different is, that in these modes, Auto ISO jumps in which can mot be overruled.

When I film outside with good light I do not care. Other things like aperture, shutter speed etc ca be set manually in the normal modes ad well.

So my question to the GH2 experts: What are the other differences/advantages From creative video modes to A S M P Modes

Advantage creative video mode: 1. control of the ISO 2. ?

Advantage A S M P modes: 1. pictures can be taken during video filming 2. ?

Thanks already, any answer will be appreciated.

@ Vitaliy, if you ind a thread, where this question fits please shift it there or let me know and I post the question there again.

Any good references on GH2 Film Modes? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2297/any-good-references-on-gh2-film-modes Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:22:42 +0000 Brian_Siano 2297@/talks/discussions Is there a good technical summary of the GH2's various film modes? The camera offers good short descriptions, and the online comparison-videos are nice, but I'd like to see something more technical: for example, a graph of how the dynamic ranges of Cinema and Smooth compare. (And if possible, how adjusting things like contrast, saturation, etc., affect these.) Does such a thing exist on the Web?

Exposure problem in movie mode with 3rd party battery http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1558/exposure-problem-in-movie-mode-with-3rd-party-battery Fri, 25 Nov 2011 21:13:48 +0000 stevgol 1558@/talks/discussions