Tagged with mixtapes - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/mixtapes/feed.rss Fri, 05 Jul 24 21:19:35 +0000 Tagged with mixtapes - Personal View Talks en-CA MIXTAPES http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10414/mixtapes Mon, 19 May 2014 21:36:56 +0000 maxr 10414@/talks/discussions  
Hey there pevees =)
I don't know about you guys, but when I was a kid I used to do a lot of mix tapes
and exchanged them with friends, normally over some form of sexual favour :P
I miss that, so, this thread it's meant for anyone that may want to exchange/share his/her mixtapes
There's 2 things I'd like to say/clarify then I'll shut the f up:
1 • this mixtape particularly is not from normal music I'm used to listen, my playlist if you want (well except sixto, pink and mogwai), it's more of encounters while surfing, research of new music for new videos, a song a friend brought along, a re-watched film, etc.
2 • I did this before Malik Bendjelloul committed suicide, that doesn't take that I'd like to share it also as an homage to him =)

   • extract from Mystery Train (John Lurie)
   • Rebecca Gates and the Consortium - Dangerous
   • OST intro The Wild One
   • Pink Floyd - Time
   • Django Django - Default
   • Jeni Suk - Wildfire (live looping rendition)
   • Mogwai - Burn Girl Prom Queen
   • Sixto Rodriguez - It Started Out So Nice
   • Miniature Tigers - Female Doctor
   • Scout Niblett - It's Up to Emma
   • Hammock - Little Fly_Mouchette
   • Sabina - Toujours
   • Kelvin Jones - Call You Home
   • extract from Mystery Train
   • Barzin - All The While
   • Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
   • Jenny O. - Automechanic
   • Rhye - Open
   • spun OST - Corgan&Co.
   • Junip - Line of Fire

monkey photo by Jasper Doest 



R.I.P. Malik Bendjelloul (36), Searching for Sugar Man

Malik Bendjelloul

                  gashô                   gashô                   gashô   
