Tagged with list - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/list/feed.rss Fri, 05 Jul 24 21:19:52 +0000 Tagged with list - Personal View Talks en-CA Properly formatting posts http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8026/properly-formatting-posts Fri, 06 Sep 2013 18:44:31 +0000 010101 8026@/talks/discussions Hi every one, When it comes to " Formatting " I am one of the worst offenders here. Not knowing the difference between the heading in an HTML post and the Heading in the beer pint could cause some issues for others to understand your ideas in your posts. I have noticed Vitaliy goes around and corrects the formatting of some posts. Considering the man needs some sleep sometimes, let's help here and take care of some of the basics. Please help out others to explain the GEEK LINGO of the wiki for others. The wiki is available by pressing " Format Help " at the top of reply window.

Here is my first question : How do we FORMAT that nice bulleted list of items and additionally make it indented ?

Please delete if we have this topic. I just couldn't locate it in the search.

still picture hacks for pany u43 - Possible to use auto-iso in M mode? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1394/still-picture-hacks-for-pany-u43-possible-to-use-auto-iso-in-m-mode- Wed, 09 Nov 2011 03:24:45 +0000 Derway 1394@/talks/discussions
For underwater photo, we always use strobe, and either A mode, (to maximize control of DOF and balance ambient and strobe exposure), or full M mode, to control blur and DOF, and balance the 2 exposures.

But with these pana cams, at these price ranges, there is no way to do the obvious. The A mode with flash forced on, is broken, since it allows 1/30 or 1/60 sec SS, which is way too slow, and will blur fish. Hoping that "intelligent ISO" will notice the movement, and do the right thing is absurd.

Is there a hack for specifying what the slowest SS allowed in "A mode, with flash" should be? (And bump the ISO if it is in auto, or just leave the exposure low, if not in auto ISO).

The alternative is to use full M mode, to specify SS and A for control over DOF, blurring, and ambient/strobe exposure balance. But this is so much easier in oly PENs, for example, which allow you to use auto iso in M mode, in 1/3 EV steps.

So, is there a hack for this? To make auto iso in M mode, set the ISO according to the meter reading? This sounds tougher.

Are these hacks possible? And for what cameras?

If you wanted to really beat the OLY/Nikon/Canon crowed, allowing us to use exposure compensation in M mode, to shift the ISO selection accordingly, would be awesome!

Is the firmware fully disassembled at this point? Can we all work on it too?
