Tagged with judder - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/judder/feed.rss Wed, 03 Jul 24 14:55:22 +0000 Tagged with judder - Personal View Talks en-CA GH2 Stutter/Judder/Strobe issues discussion http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/526/gh2-stutterjudderstrobe-issues-discussion Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:18:54 +0000 Dalefpf 526@/talks/discussions
First off, thanks for all of the great work being done here. I was wondering if any of the new settings could help reduce the effect of judder and strobe I tend to see while using the GH2? I actually returned my first GH2 because I believed it was faulty. Now, on my second camera, I see the same effect. I know a few others have felt the same way and was hoping to get an understanding of what causes the effect and what might be done to help resolve it. Maybe it is what it is?]]>
GH2 for Feature: 24p vs. 30p: 2013 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7373/gh2-for-feature-24p-vs.-30p-2013 Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:38:23 +0000 Mckinise 7373@/talks/discussions Looking for educated opinions. The mission: Shoot a feature length narrative with at least one chase, 1 fight scene, and moderate action through out while minimizing judder/strobing. Tell the mode used, hack used, and why you chose this setup.


Camera: GH2

Mode: 24p (Cinema)

Shutter Speed: 40

Hack: Flowmotion 2.02

Reasoning: I chose Cinema 24p to shoot at the rate most associated with cinematic productions. I chose my shutter speed to add filmic blur and create the illusion of judder free video. I chose flowmotion 2.02 to aid in both fronts (motion stability while keeping with the film look).
