Tagged with jitter - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/jitter/feed.rss Wed, 26 Jun 24 03:03:33 +0000 Tagged with jitter - Personal View Talks en-CA Strange jitter effect from GH2 footage in 720x480 render http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10649/strange-jitter-effect-from-gh2-footage-in-720x480-render Sat, 21 Jun 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Brian_Siano 10649@/talks/discussions I'm finishing up a big project, which I shot with about seven different cameras; Canons, a Panasonic camcorder, a GH3 and a GH2 using the Cake patch. The original footage is 1080p. I rendered the streams down to 720p for easier editing. I used these to render a 720x480 final product for a DVD. I'm using Premiere pro CS5 for all of this.

The problem is that the footage shot with the GH2 jitters oddly, like an old silent movie filmed at some archaic framerate. It's not catastrophic, but it's noticeable to me. I don't know why this is. Every bit of original footage is 29.97 fps. The scaled down versions I edited are all 29.97 fps.

I can think of only two things. The GH2 was using the Cake patch, which may have been a reason. Or, the GH2 was one of two cameras storing its video as AVHCD, while all the rest used MOV. But the other AVHCD footage looks fine.


ADENDUM. Watching the original footage reveals that it appears to be interlaced. Don't recall shooting it in 1080i, but I guess that's what happened.

Jitter/choppy playback - solution? GH4 same issue? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10140/jitterchoppy-playback-solution-gh4-same-issue Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:42:08 +0000 cogumelo 10140@/talks/discussions I'm still having trouble to playback MOV 1080 60p footage from my GH3 on my macs (a macbook retina displays and a MacPro 8core 24GB Ram). Those files playback normally on the camera, but it's quite choppy or jittery on my computer, specially on pan movements. Does it has a solution? conversion or transcoding? Is it a mac problem? a codec problem? or GH3 problem? I also got jitter recoding on all setting of 1080 60p, using my other camera, NEX 5N, that also records 1080 60p AVCHD I got no problems at all, the files playbacks just right, but I also think the NEX footage is 59,94i converted on camera to 60p or 59,94p... I don't now... I think if maybe the gh3 were capable to records 60i in MOV mode it wouldn't happen.... I think the problem is due the progressive fields, or YUV to RGB conversion problem....I don't know... because when I transcode the files using 5dtoRGB software, it gets better, less jitter, but they still there! If we're having trouble to playback 1080p 60p, can you imagine what gonna happen with the 4k files? I've pre-order a GH4, but I'm thinking twice if it's worth to... I don't want more headache with playback issues... I'm thinking to move to Sony A7s.... That's SAD!!! Anyone knows the real reason why we can't playback those files??? what should I say to my clients that got choppy footage? my camera is rubbish! or your computer is rubbish!??? WTF? That's just sad!
