Tagged with greece - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/greece/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 03:39:20 +0000 Tagged with greece - Personal View Talks en-CA No signs of the Greek crisis on Ios island... http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13444/no-signs-of-the-greek-crisis-on-ios-island... Thu, 23 Jul 2015 08:28:31 +0000 PeterParkorr 13444@/talks/discussions A video from an idyllic Greek island that is trying to shake it's image as a party town for teens and show off it's more luxurious side instead. Filmed on the GH4 with the Panasonic 14-140mm video zoom and the 25mm Leica F1.4. Edited in Premiere and coloured with Magic Bullet Looks.

There is one scene where the footage straight from the camera was jerky, and the small church appears to jump a few times (~9 second mark). I re-timed the clip so the jumps went with the audio but it was not ideal. Could be from image stabilisation by the lens maybe?

Im going to shot a documentary to Greece. How should i finance it? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6232/im-going-to-shot-a-documentary-to-greece.-how-should-i-finance-it Sat, 23 Feb 2013 12:31:58 +0000 anacrofilosoteca 6232@/talks/discussions Hi. Im Juan Manuel, from Argentina, 33 years old. I work in cinematography since 6 years ago. Im building a producer independent company:


Im going to shot a documentary to greece about it crisis and paralelism with our old crisis in 1999-2001/2003. Im planing to do it with a matte. My wish is to go and being with basis, in the underground, with people who is fighting and organizing by it self against the desicions that is taked by the goberment. For that, ill take a Nikon D7000, some lenses, a mini boom, a cool tripod and a strong backpack. The perfect gear to travel over all the country, using any kind of transport; and to get in any kind of places and situations. I want to shot and edit there, for that im going to get a good laptop, for editing full hd or hd.

My guess is to ask to PAZOK, ΣΥΡΙΖΑ and independet artists who would like to help us with the language; with lodging, and information. Here is not enough information about Greece, and wath is really happening there. We have the money for getting there, maybe for food but not much by now. the point is to going in july and, well, as you see; we are looking for help. Whatever you aport to the toppic will be very apreciated and welcome. Tank you so much for the space to Vitaly and the amazing forum that it is:)

Greece: Taxes Kaputt http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6050/greece-taxes-kaputt Thu, 07 Feb 2013 17:45:46 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6050@/talks/discussions

Despite big tax hikes as part of austerity measures demanded by international lenders, tax revenues fell precipitously in January, with the Greek Finance Ministry reporting a 16 percent decrease from a year earlier, and a loss of 775 million euros, or $1.05 billion in one month.

The government took in only 4.05 billion euros ($5.47 billion) in tax revenues in January, far short of its target of 4.36 billion euros ($5.89 billion), a $420 million shortfall in one month, and during an annual holiday sales period for shops who are bleeding customers and shutting down by the thousands.

If Greece fails to meet revenue targets it will trigger a correction clause at the end of each quarter of the year, setting off automatic spending cuts except for pensions and salaries. That could further harm already-depleted government services.

Finance Ministry officials attributed the decline in tax revenues to the drop in consumption, as revenues from Value Added Tax (VAT) shrank by 15 percent, while those from the special consumption taxes were also lower. Greeks hammered by big pay cuts, tax hikes and slashed pensions have cut back spending even on essential items, with supermarket sales falling 500 million euros, ($6763 million) in 2012.

Via: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2013/02/07/tax-hikes-backfire-greeces-revenues-plummet/

Check your future, guys.

Greece: Improvements continue steadily http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5902/greece-improvements-continue-steadily Fri, 25 Jan 2013 06:58:24 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5902@/talks/discussions

Greek police have stormed a metro train depot in the capital Athens, breaking up a sit-in by striking workers.

The workers had been on the ninth successive day of strike action that has crippled the underground system.

The conservative-led government used an emergency law to threaten the strikers with arrest unless they went back to work. It was not clear if the move would lead to transport resuming.

Strikers are opposed to proposals which might see their salaries slashed.

The operation took place shortly before 04:00 local time (02:00 GMT), with around 100 riot police officers entering the depot where workers had barricaded themselves in overnight.

A police spokesman told the BBC three people were arrested and subsequently released. The area around the depot has now been cordoned off to prevent others from joining the strike.

Bus drivers and railway workers were to join the strike on Friday. Transport unions say they will continue their action, raising the possibility that some could face arrest and criminal charges, with a prison sentence of up to five years.

Via: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21192096

Greece: Bleak reality http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/266/greece-bleak-reality Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:14:23 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 266@/talks/discussions Privatization of most important public companies, constant salary cuts, pension payment cuts.
Task is simple - sell as much as you could sell and hope that people won't hang you on street lamps.
All that we see is just small rehearsal to learn and prepare leading nations to same fate.

"This is not a program to salvage the economy, it's a program for pillage before bankruptcy,"
said Alexis Tsipras, head of the small opposition Left Coalition.

It's not just Greece.

PhD economist Michael Hudson said in 2009:

•The giant financial institutions have already killed their host - the real American economy
•Since they realize that the American economy is dead, they are trying to suck as much blood out of America as possible while the corpse is still warm
•Because the American economy is dead, their plan is to soon jump to another host. They will ship all of their money overseas
