Tagged with gels - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gels/feed.rss Sat, 29 Jun 24 08:22:18 +0000 Tagged with gels - Personal View Talks en-CA Lighting Gels 101 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/729/lighting-gels-101 Mon, 22 Aug 2011 02:38:50 +0000 stoney 729@/talks/discussions
Custom LED Filter http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6490/custom-led-filter Sun, 24 Mar 2013 19:53:38 +0000 kin869 6490@/talks/discussions I recently purchased the Amaran 160 LED and so far it's working great. The only complaint I have is the color output. This particular LED has a strong magenta tint that's very apparent when I use it as a fill light in daylight situations. During my search to find an affordable solution, I stumbled across this. Basically, the guy made his own filters by printing colors onto transparencies.

I know it's not too expensive to buy a pack of these filters, but with this method, I can print out any filter I want and cut out whatever size I need from it. Here's a short video I put together to show how some of these custom filters work.

Hope this is helpful to someone!

Gels topic http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3641/gels-topic Wed, 20 Jun 2012 09:34:18 +0000 kronstadt 3641@/talks/discussions Hi, As I keep building up my micro-budget movie kit, now the question of gels comes up.

Which gel set would you recommend? Preferably, cheap and relatively good quality. I need them to work with LED lights, Redhead 800W halogen and "As ARRI" 650W tungsten fresnel lights. eBay links would be appreciated.
