Tagged with fs100 - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/fs100/feed.rss Sat, 29 Jun 24 02:13:05 +0000 Tagged with fs100 - Personal View Talks en-CA Panasonic DVX200 - costly fixed lens 4K camera http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12574/panasonic-dvx200-costly-fixed-lens-4k-camera Thu, 12 Mar 2015 06:22:22 +0000 IronFilm 12574@/talks/discussions image


  • 4/3” MOS sensor
  • Fixed 13x zoom, 28mm-365.3mm, F2.8-F4.5
  • V-Log
  • 1080p120
  • 4Kp60
  • H.264 encoder

Not too long after the HDSLR revolution started, the companies started bringing out accessibly priced large sensor video cameras with interchangeable lenses. Such as the AF100, then later the FS100, then a bit later the C100.

Since then the C100 has been replaced with the (very disappointingly small update) C100mk2, the FS100's big brother the FS700 has been "replaced" (unofficially) with the FS7 (so surely the FS1 or FS200 is coming along next? Perhaps a topic for another thread...). Thus where is the AF200? One which has been waiting for an update for years and years longer than any of the others (and no, the AF100A hardly counts! Though I guess that is what Canon did with their "C100mk2"....).

Perhaps with the success of the GH4 (surely the most successful of the entire GH line so far), and the mainstreaming of 4K, those two factors will be sufficient to propel Panasonic to update the ageing AF100??

On a somewhat related point, how relevant is the AF100 still in 2015 and beyond? Some would think it still is: http://www.anycamerawilldo.com/old-but-not-out/

Am somewhat considering an AF100 myself, as planning on doing the next upcoming wedding season with one GH4 body and perhaps five or so GH1 bodies (maybe swapping out one GH1 for a GH2 with a monitor instead, for my second shooter to use). Thus I'll have a GH4 for single camera shoots (corporate ads / music videos / etc) and I'll have a heap of GH1 bodies to cheaply (only US$150 each!) cover the multiple angles needed for filming live events such as weddings. And I should be able to easily edit between them (making life an awful lot easier for me than this wedding season when I used: Nikon D5200 / Sony A5100 / Panasonic GH1 / G3 / GF3 / BMPCC).

However, half considering if it is worthwhile getting an AF100 as well if I see one cheap enough (say perhaps getting close to US$1,000-ish). As for appearances sake it could be reassuring for clients/brides to see my show up with an AF100, and not just a bunch of tiny GH1 bodies. Additionally I could have it handle some of the sound needs with its XLR inputs (additional to my usage of a Tascam DR-60D). And it is a camera which should cut in fairly easily enough with the bulk of the GH1 footage I'd hope?

SLR Magic 2x ANAMORPHIC lens http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4466/slr-magic-2x-anamorphic-lens Tue, 04 Sep 2012 15:35:25 +0000 slrmagic 4466@/talks/discussions Dear All,

We have received 4 email requests from members of this forum on the possibility of designing an Anamorphic lens. We had this thought for the past year and did a lot of research. There is one common request which is to have horizontal flares. The others requests did not have any common grounds. We came up with an idea for a 25mm f/3.2 1.35x or 35mm f/3.2 1.35x Anamorphic lens for micro four thirds. Shooting at 16:9 would give a 2.40:1 anamorphic output. Just before we decided to go ahead with the project we had a second thought. 2 Years ago we asked openly on dpreview.com forum for what photographers wanted and the general consensus was our SLR Magic HyperPrime 12mm T1.6 lens.


It did not fulfill the needs and wants of everyone but we made what most people agreed on by means of a discussion. It ended up being a popular lens that we still are having problems meeting demand and we think it had a big part to do with asking photographers. If we did not ask around we probably made a 12mm f/2.8 lens. As it turned out quite well last time we want to make our next lens an open discussion again.

Here are some of the possible options we received and please feel free to throw in extra ideas. I hope people experienced with shooting in Anamorphic can also throw in ideas.

Anamorphic Adapter (1.33x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x) Dedicated mFT Anamorphic adapter for reasonable size Anamorphic adapter compatible with FF lenses 50mm f/2.8 Anamorphic lens (FF, APS-C, or mFT) Expected MSRP (Sad fact but it as direct correlation to IQ)

Kind rgds., SLR Magic Team

P.S. We will be at Photokina 2012 and would like to welcome any cinematographers with Anamorphic lens ideas to drop by our booth for idea exchange! We will be in Hall 3.1 B059

Pros/Cons of Sony PXW-X70 vs Sony PMW-EX1R? (or Sony NEX-EA50 or Sony FS100?) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11988/proscons-of-sony-pxw-x70-vs-sony-pmw-ex1r-or-sony-nex-ea50-or-sony-fs100 Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:58:16 +0000 IronFilm 11988@/talks/discussions I'm a DSLR/MILC guy, thus asking this for a friend as I'm far from an expert on camcorders, but what would be the pro/cons list of a Sony PXW-X70 vs a Sony PMW-EX1R?

http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1072752-REG/sony_pxw_x70_professional_xdcam_compact.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/758895-REG/Sony_PMW_EX1R_2_PMW_EX1R_XDCAM_EX_Full.html

To also throw in a third one for comparison with these two, the Sony NEX-EA50 or even the Sony FS100 as a fourth consideration to be included (if only either one had built in ND filters, then I reckon this would be the strongest choice here perhaps?) http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1076767-REG/sony_nex_ea50m_nxcam_camcorder.html http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/761580-REG/Sony_NEX_FS100UK_NEX_FS100U_Super_35mm_Sensor.html (included the links so it is easy and handy for people to also see the specs at a glance)

Camera Upgrade 4k, Blackmagic, or Not? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14938/camera-upgrade-4k-blackmagic-or-not Fri, 08 Apr 2016 17:26:43 +0000 AnamatisRmG 14938@/talks/discussions Let me keep this short. I've secured $5000 funding for a camera upgrade. I've been using an FS100 for 3/4 years and have enjoyed low light and 60fps capabilities. I've been freelancing and running my small prod company for the same amount of time and my commercial is reaching new levels, and my clientele is slightly climbing the ladder.

The big question is : Do I need to upgrade to a 4k system to be able to compete next year and the following 3?

If so do I go the Big Ursa route? Or the Ursa Mini 4.6 k. (I may be able to acquire a Big Ursa V1 for $3800)

Either way I'm looking at pairing with an A7s as lowlight isn't a huge muscle with these cameras.

If 4k isn't necessary than I'm looking at an FS700 as over crank is a big component of my work and I maintain low light capabilities.

My main concerns about the Big Ursa are flying it (gimbal, crane, slider, hand held, tripod for that matter)

Looking for a single focus anamorphic for sale http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14082/looking-for-a-single-focus-anamorphic-for-sale Wed, 18 Nov 2015 16:38:39 +0000 AnamatisRmG 14082@/talks/discussions I have a kowa and isco set up now. Using a BMPCC and FS100. My lenses are double focus right now though and I'm looking to move to faster set ups.

Sony NEX-FS100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/37/sony-nex-fs100 Sun, 01 May 2011 10:56:03 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 37@/talks/discussions Image performance is better than AF-100.
Camera have some design problems, like no ND and some clutter of buttons.

Camera will be available at the end of May.

Price - $4,999 body only, $5,599 for kit with lens.

FS100 vs F3 comparison

Video Previews and Reviews

Informational Links







GH3 & FS100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9668/gh3-fs100 Wed, 19 Feb 2014 14:47:00 +0000 chasehagen 9668@/talks/discussions Just curious if anyone on here knows of any comparisons between FS100 and the GH3? (personal experience included of course)

Really interested in dynamic range between the two. I would assume the FS100 would still have the edge in lowlight performance (i.e. grain/noise) but what about other aspects like actual resolution tests/comparisons (lines resolved), Dynamic Range, Rolling Shutter, Moire, Slow-Mo, Codec, Grading Capability.

I would assume the GH3's 50Mbps would be far superior in color grading latitude and for Green screen compositing than the 24Mbps AVCHD of the Sony? Just be interesting to see if anyone knows of any video comparisons between the two. I've got a GH3 (and a GH2) just curious if the Sony's worth the extra few $K if you don't need XLR and Super 35mm DOF and extreme low light performance. I'd apreciate anyone who could share some insight on their observed differences between these two! Thanks!

BMCC, C100, or FS100 - Camera Advice http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7869/bmcc-c100-or-fs100-camera-advice Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:44:11 +0000 rygenova 7869@/talks/discussions I've had the Black Magic Cinema Camera (EF version) since April, coming from a hacked GH2. I kind of jumped on the BMCC fanboy bandwagon and jumped into the camera without really studying other options at the time. It's capable of some pretty great images, but overall, I just don't like the camera. It stinks for any type of handheld shooting, the crop factor is a pain to deal with, pretty much every hard drive I own is full of RAW footage even though I try to delete what I'm not using, and it takes a ton of time just to grade a shot to get it to look "normal" and sync audio from my external recorder. No built in ND's (coupled with a native ISO of 800), lack of changeable battery, and poor audio with no audio meters is annoying as well. Like I said, the image quality can be great, but it is just no fun to shoot with and there is so much not to like about the camera. Sometimes I like to just pick up my camera and shoot something, but with the BMCC, this is really impractical.

I'm not a professional, just an amateur/enthusiast obsessed with great video quality. I'm primarily looking for something that has a large sensor and can produce sharp, detailed images with minimal noise. I'd like something good for narrative with the bonus of having something I can run and gun with if I want to. I can hold my own with basic color grading, but I'm by no means highly skilled at it, so I feel I wouldn't lose too much if I no longer had RAW.

I've narrowed my options to either selling the BMCC and buying a C100 or FS100, or sucking it up and keeping the BMCC. As for price I feel they are all somewhat similar. If I keep the BMCC I need to still buy ND's, a battery solution, a better rig for handheld, a wider lens, and probably some type of storage array for all this footage I'm amassing. For the FS100 I'd need to add the Speed Booster and ND's to get it up to the C100 configuration.

For the C100, I'd probably pick up an Atomos recorder at some point in the future. For the FS100 I'd be shooting only with the Speed Booster as I have only EF glass.

From what I've read it seems like the C100 should be an easy choice over the FS100, but I feel like the FS100 looks much more cinematic (maybe it's just that I've stumbled upon videos made by FS100 users with better skills than the C100 users? Or maybe it's just because the FS100 has been out longer?). Honestly all of these very cinematic pieces shot with the FS100 are pretty much the only reason it's on my radar as otherwise I believe the C100 to be superior.

Any advice from people who have shot with either camera would be much appreciated. Is the C100 just as good or better than the FS100 when it comes to image quality?

C100 Concerns: -Possibly not as cinematic as the FS100

FS100 Concerns: -Would only be shooting with the Speed Booster (bugs/issues/etc. with this?) -It's a couple year old camera, so I'd probably be disappointed if Sony released a replacement shortly after I bought one -No ND's -Form factor not as much to my liking as the C100

Panasonic GH3 vs Sony FS100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6976/panasonic-gh3-vs-sony-fs100 Wed, 15 May 2013 22:44:35 +0000 chasehagen 6976@/talks/discussions Wondering if anyone has any experience or videos/comparisons between the old low light king, FS100 and our new-ish Panny flagship the GH3? Haven't had a chance to try both out side by side for a test or comparison but I figure someone must have. I would assume the FS100 would still have the edge in lowlight performance (i.e. grain/noise) but what about other aspects like actual resolution tests/comparisons (lines resolved), Dynamic Range, Rolling Shutter, Moire, Slow-Mo, Codec, Grading Capability. I would assume the GH3's 50Mbps would be far superior in color grading latitude and for Green screen compositing than the 24Mbps AVCHD of the Sony? Just be interesting to see if anyone's done any tests or have some insights between the two cameras as I cant seem to fin any online anywhere (all GH2 vs FS100). I've got a GH3 (and a GH2) just curious if the Sony's worth the extra few $K if you don't need XLR and Super 35mm DOF and extreme low light performance. Grateful for anyone who could share some insight on their observed differences between these two great cams! Thanks!

How to improve low light image quality from iso 12800 and 6400 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1986/how-to-improve-low-light-image-quality-from-iso-12800-and-6400 Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:49:22 +0000 apefos 1986@/talks/discussions Learn how to match C300 and FS100 low light image quality with the GH2 (on vimeo), you can download the neatvideo profiles and presets in this thread post number 10, these saved profiles and presets are updated with a new fine tweaking to get a much better results, also if you want more information go to vimeo and read the video description.

Looking for zoom lens recommendation with requirements http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6111/looking-for-zoom-lens-recommendation-with-requirements Wed, 13 Feb 2013 21:43:28 +0000 super_spyder 6111@/talks/discussions Hey there I'm looking for a recommendation for a zoom lens with the following things, but am having a hard time finding it. This is going to be used with a Preston FI+Z or C-Motion unit on an FS700, possibly with a speedbooster if it is a FF lens.

-Hard stops on zoom and focus, most likely a manual lens. I'd be afraid of breaking an AF lens even if it has hard stops.

-Zoom and focus rings can't change position while zooming or focusing

-Must be in the "normal" to wide range on the wide end, so anything with a 17 or 24 or 28 or 35 on the wide end. I don't care much about the long end.

-Constant aperture, is a major plus.

I do not need constant volume on the lens, or anything very fast.

Any help would be appreciated.

The Star (Short Film, I was in charge of sound) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5963/the-star-short-film-i-was-in-charge-of-sound Wed, 30 Jan 2013 23:21:31 +0000 B3Guy 5963@/talks/discussions I finally found the short film that I worked on all semester in LA a year ago, albeit sans color correction. We shot a special flat profile on the FS-100 with Zeiss Super Speeds (per my suggestion). My friend and I were co-soundmen, all the way through from pre-post production.

Edit: they've disabled embedding. It is on this page, and is called "The Star". http://www.bestsemester.com/lafsc/

Matching Picture Profiles with the Sony NEX Fs100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4440/matching-picture-profiles-with-the-sony-nex-fs100 Sat, 01 Sep 2012 05:44:01 +0000 casey 4440@/talks/discussions I just got my FS100 and trying to match some picture profiles with GoPro and Nikon D7000. Any help or comments?

New free picture profiles for the Sony FS100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1594/new-free-picture-profiles-for-the-sony-fs100 Wed, 30 Nov 2011 03:34:37 +0000 FrankGlencairn 1594@/talks/discussions
anyway, here are some picture Profiles I made for the Sony FS100. This is work in progress. I get a lot of input from fellow filmmakers and I learn something on every shooting with the FS100, so I try to improve those settings, to get the best out of that great little camera.


Every input, that helps to make the profiles better is appreciated.

Have fun,

Large chip camcorder comparison: AF100 vs F3 vs FS100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/54/large-chip-camcorder-comparison-af100-vs-f3-vs-fs100 Thu, 05 May 2011 05:53:12 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 54@/talks/discussions
Link to his blog post - http://philipbloom.net/2011/05/05/bloomshootout/

Video itself
Getting an NTSC FS-100 for us Europeeans! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/340/getting-an-ntsc-fs-100-for-us-europeeans Wed, 06 Jul 2011 07:04:26 +0000 Gabel 340@/talks/discussions But there is one issue: I need 24p, rather than 25p. As such I need an NTSC version.
So just import it you say!
Except there's a problem: You can't!

Sites like B&H are not allowed to sell it to Europe and I've even spoken with Sony themselves and they said that they can't import an NTSC version.
Which means that this thread goes out with the question: Does anybody here have any idea of how to import an NTSC version to Europe?

Of course, with a contact they could buy it there, but to me it just feels like there's got to be an easier way!

So this thread is dedicated to finding a solution! Of course, if one knew how to hack it into getting 24p, that could work too...]]>
View on some FS100 sides from crews.tv http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/228/view-on-some-fs100-sides-from-crews.tv Tue, 14 Jun 2011 05:13:36 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 228@/talks/discussions It would be a trifle unfair to criticise Sony’s new FS100 for not having some of the costly features of a high-end camera.

The new camera is from Sony’s NXCAM budget range, with a list price expected to be NZ$8.5K (Under US$7K) for the bundle including an E-mount 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 Optical SteadyShot Sony auto focus zoom lens.

It is a fair game to compare it to a Canon 5D Mk II though, and sure enough one was produced to sit side by side with the Sony FS100 when a group of camera and sound Crews.TV members met recently at Spoon Studios in Auckland. It’s a venue often used by Crews.TV and this time the session was to look at a pre-production FS100 sample loaned by Sony.


There are lots of spec sheets, press releases and reviews that will give you the details of the camera and cover the image quality, but for this group the discussion turned to three main usability issues, once the amusement of being able to shoot around corners wore off.

Read the rest here:

Short videos:

Higher Bitrates for Sony F3 and FS-100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/216/higher-bitrates-for-sony-f3-and-fs-100 Sat, 11 Jun 2011 14:20:09 +0000 bannedindv 216@/talks/discussions Long presentation of FS100 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/49/long-presentation-of-fs100 Wed, 04 May 2011 02:15:07 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 49@/talks/discussions http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/video/collections-nab2011/video-nab2011_theater_nxcam_35mm/

This was performed at NAB 2011.

It has one more citing of 4:4:4 output capability.

Considering the price, features, image quality FS100 is better than AF100 in many applications.]]>