Tagged with freeware - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/freeware/feed.rss Sat, 05 Oct 24 05:19:21 +0000 Tagged with freeware - Personal View Talks en-CA Cakewalk Platinum is now free and called Cakewalk by Bandlab http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/19361/cakewalk-platinum-is-now-free-and-called-cakewalk-by-bandlab Wed, 04 Apr 2018 07:43:55 +0000 robertGL 19361@/talks/discussions For what it's worth, Bandlab, whatever that is, is relaunching it.


news here:


link here: https://cakewalk.bandlab.com/

Seems to require registration of a bandlab account

maCPicker: Simple Color Picker for Video - YCbCr based - fixed screen position http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11964/macpicker-simple-color-picker-for-video-ycbcr-based-fixed-screen-position Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:50:27 +0000 tida 11964@/talks/discussions If you are interested in a free and simple color picker which works for MAC OSX and Windows platform please look at http://www.m2port.com/

It displays data of Rec 709 YCbCr and fixes pixel location where you like to read color changes - you see changes during color grading at defined position.

Tip for MAC: take care about huge shadow around Windows, this acts like a filter if you pick close by
