Tagged with framerate - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/framerate/feed.rss Sat, 28 Sep 24 21:58:59 +0000 Tagged with framerate - Personal View Talks en-CA Strange jitter effect from GH2 footage in 720x480 render http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10649/strange-jitter-effect-from-gh2-footage-in-720x480-render Sat, 21 Jun 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Brian_Siano 10649@/talks/discussions I'm finishing up a big project, which I shot with about seven different cameras; Canons, a Panasonic camcorder, a GH3 and a GH2 using the Cake patch. The original footage is 1080p. I rendered the streams down to 720p for easier editing. I used these to render a 720x480 final product for a DVD. I'm using Premiere pro CS5 for all of this.

The problem is that the footage shot with the GH2 jitters oddly, like an old silent movie filmed at some archaic framerate. It's not catastrophic, but it's noticeable to me. I don't know why this is. Every bit of original footage is 29.97 fps. The scaled down versions I edited are all 29.97 fps.

I can think of only two things. The GH2 was using the Cake patch, which may have been a reason. Or, the GH2 was one of two cameras storing its video as AVHCD, while all the rest used MOV. But the other AVHCD footage looks fine.


ADENDUM. Watching the original footage reveals that it appears to be interlaced. Don't recall shooting it in 1080i, but I guess that's what happened.

Cranking frame rate on GH3 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8846/cranking-frame-rate-on-gh3 Thu, 21 Nov 2013 13:33:55 +0000 gh2simon 8846@/talks/discussions So I finally broke down and got myself a GH3. Could almost not be happier with the ol' GH2, but the one thing I was missing was the higher frame rate for 1080p. Thing is, I bought the new camera in Sweden, and default settings do not include 60fps in either of the modes, only 50fps, I think. 50 is fine I guess, but it bugs me that I lack the slightly faster setting. Switching output from PAL to NTSC seemingly does not do the trick, and neither does updating firmware to the official "GH3__V12.exe" from Panasonic. Am I missing something or am I screwed? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Odd Framerate Mystery with GH2: No problems, just don't understand something. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7431/odd-framerate-mystery-with-gh2-no-problems-just-dont-understand-something. Thu, 04 Jul 2013 12:27:22 +0000 Brian_Siano 7431@/talks/discussions I did a video shoot recently, and we decided to shoot it at 29.97 fps. So, I set my GH2 to use the high bitrate setting, and set my exposure and manual focus, and we did a few takes.

Then I noticed that I'd made a mistake: I'd set my shutter speed to 25, i.e., 1/25th of a second. I was concerned that the stuff we'd shot would be unusable, with strange blurs or occasional frame skipping or pull-down, but it looked just fine. (I've shot at 2 frames per second, and that tends to duplicate a lot of frames.)

As I said, there's no problems I need to fix here, but if someone could explain to me why this setting didn't screw up my video, I'd appreciate it.

How to down-sample with motion blur 60 fps framerate to 30 fps? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2814/how-to-down-sample-with-motion-blur-60-fps-framerate-to-30-fps Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:04:25 +0000 bdegazio 2814@/talks/discussions I know this isn't specifically a GH2-related question, but I've seen a lot expertise on this forum and thought someone might know how to do this. I've searched online but can't find anything relevant.

I've got some computer generated video at 60 fps (and higher framerates up to 120 fps) which I would like to convert to standard 30 fps, with motion blur derived from blending the intermediate frames.

Specifically, my question is, is there an After Effects or (preferably) Apple Motion plugin that does this correctly? Or some utility software like MPEG StreamClip?

To be clear, I don't want to change the playback speed of the video, just blend intermediate frames to simulate footage shot at a lower frame rate and corresponding shutter speed.

thanks in advance


[edit] - on a hunch, I just checked the export options in StreamClip. There are "frame blending" and "better downscaling" options in the "Frame Rate" section. Does anyone have experience with using these for the purpose I described? Specifically wha's on my mind is, if downscaling a high frame rate video (e.g. 120 fps) to 30 fps, are ALL intermediate frames used in the blending? And in what proportion?

NTSC/PAL http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/682/ntscpal Tue, 16 Aug 2011 12:26:18 +0000 GibberishMan 682@/talks/discussions
I do understand why PAL and NTSC exists, but what I do not understand why there are so many limitations with cameras. Perhaps you can enlighten me?
1) The Sony F3, a $16K camera, can't switch PAL/NTSC. What's so hard about it that they have two models? Marketing reasons?
2) Often you can't use the same memory card; if you record PAL you need to reformat to record NTSC.

What I don't understand... framerate is just something digital, so why can't we set framerate incrementally by frame? Is it more hard for a manufacturer to deliver 22 fps than say 24p? Ofcourse I do understand that you have a max framerate because of the chip / recording format.
If the reason is they want to keep within official specifications, then why official specifications only have a few framerate options?

Effect of converting 30 fps to 25 or 24fps by software? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/543/effect-of-converting-30-fps-to-25-or-24fps-by-software Sat, 30 Jul 2011 07:56:19 +0000 kool 543@/talks/discussions