Tagged with fireworks - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/fireworks/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 12:36:40 +0000 Tagged with fireworks - Personal View Talks en-CA Capturing Fireworks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8330/capturing-fireworks Fri, 04 Oct 2013 14:35:28 +0000 andyharris 8330@/talks/discussions Tomorrow I have the opportunity to capture 5 minutes of fireworks using a Sony RX100 MkII mounted on an EVO 800 Hexacopter.

It'll be dark. I've made a little research around the web, mostly its all about photography, where they all assume there's a tripod involved.

My best guess is:

Widest Angle Manual Focus to Infinity F8 1/30th shutter speed 1080 50P WB Tungsten

As I only get one chance I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else has done anything similar


GH3 live view during longer exposure time http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5621/gh3-live-view-during-longer-exposure-time Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:54:00 +0000 AKED 5621@/talks/discussions Hi,

I want to make the following picturew iwth the GH3:


and here the tutorial:


2 problems I have with the GH3 there: When I want to make a picture that starts out of focus, it automatoically focusses what I push the button. I have set the menue from "Focus" to "Release" but no difference. OK, I can search for a target elswhere and then refocus or use manual focus mode, so that is possible.

But the 2nd problem is a hard one: When I do a longe time exposure, for example 3 seconds or also "B" Bulb mode, during the taking of the picture, the live viwe is gone. So how can I refocus then? I have to do it blind, trying before hand where it is is focus like written in the tutorial, but he used a 5D Mark II. So he has a mirror. We don't have one and still have no picture.

Does anybody know, how to keep the picture on the screen while taking the picture? Any assistance would be helpful.

(Possible before December 31st, beause ther I would like to try it :-)
