Tagged with fig - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/fig/feed.rss Fri, 05 Jul 24 20:37:58 +0000 Tagged with fig - Personal View Talks en-CA The Raid: Redemption ...Awesome Action Flick!!...AF100 A-Cam, GH2-B-cam!! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3054/the-raid-redemption-...awesome-action-flick...af100-a-cam-gh2-b-cam Sun, 29 Apr 2012 22:38:54 +0000 CRFilms 3054@/talks/discussions Haven't seen much on this, if you haven't seen it....WATCH IT. It's in limited release right now, but if it's playing within an hour of you, watch it asap. Since this was shot on the AF100 this gives you a good idea of what our GH1/2 can do with a million bucks and a bunch of trained Siliat fighters. :P

This BTS shows the AF100 in action with Fig Rig and I believe Nano flash recorder(read that somewhere, they don't say in BTS). Also note how they light. In some ways the lack of light hurt in a few sequences, noticeably the staircase ambush scene. Way dark and lots of noise. Other than that, I didn't see any jello or rolling shutter and that camera was whipping back and forth. I'm not a fan of "shaky cam", but this was used perfectly and the quick editing wasn't used to hide the fight choreography but to enhance the overall feel of the scenes.

Here's one of the scenes that the above BTS showed. Download the full 1080p to get the best view. Even if you watch every video on this channel, it won't spoil much. This movie is about an hour, 50 min and about 15min of that is talking and plot, lol, the rest is action. Great movie and the sequel is in the works.

EDIT: Forgot to put the trailer, lol: I actually prefer this to the redband trailer, but the redband is on the Vimeo page if you want to see it.
