Tagged with fcp - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/fcp/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:08:45 +0000 Tagged with fcp - Personal View Talks en-CA Recommendations for Editing Stations under $3K? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/967/recommendations-for-editing-stations-under-3k Fri, 16 Sep 2011 16:16:00 +0000 qwerty123 967@/talks/discussions
I'm looking to invest in a new computer editing station with dual monitors. I'm looking at Premiere CS5.5 as my main NLE. I don't want to spend more than $3,000 (and preferably not too much more than $2,500). EDIT: I'm specifically looking at getting a PC but discussion about mac or hackintosh are okay too!

I'm guessing some people are in or will be in my situation in the future, so let's start a thread to think of options and recommendations. Ideas? (let's also not turn this into a flame war of mac vs pc vs linux, or fcp vs adobe vs avid!)]]>
Edit: Rewrap DNxHD MXF files to Quicktime files solved via firmware update. New problem now tho. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2216/edit-rewrap-dnxhd-mxf-files-to-quicktime-files-solved-via-firmware-update.-new-problem-now-tho. Tue, 07 Feb 2012 14:20:19 +0000 Brian202020 2216@/talks/discussions The new Hyperdeck Shuttle 2 records DNxHD files in the MXF wrapper. These files can only be read by Avid's NLE. If these file could be rewrapped into a quicktime wrapper then other NLE's would be able to read the files. Many people on many forums are trying to find a solution to this. I want to start this thread here to get more people joining the cause. The Hyperdeck Shuttle 2 is a great buy at an amazing price, and if we could get the files rewrapped or transcoded cheaply it would be huge.

Has anyone done this successfully? Or at least have any good idea's on how to do this?

GH3 codecs and workflow http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5410/gh3-codecs-and-workflow Fri, 07 Dec 2012 19:32:27 +0000 jonbeeotch 5410@/talks/discussions I'd like to start a conversation about the pros and cons of the different options with the GH3.

I primarily work as an editor, but im not super "tech". For the past few years i've been using a hacked gh1 for my personal stuff, editing on an imac with FCP 7, log and transfer to prores. As far as i have experienced h264 has not been good to edit with? every time i have had footage shot with canons sent to me for work, an assistant editor would trans-code to prores.

so with one of the main selling points of the GH3 being ALL-I, and the talk of "edit ready" h264, im confused.

like everyone else, i want to get the most out of this camera in terms of image quality, so my question is, to transcode or not? if you were to transcode ALL-I footage to prores, would it defeat the purpose of shooting it in the first place? what are the pros and cons of working with H.264?

the primary size and frame rates i'd be using are 1080 24p and 1080 60p for slow motion.

what are you guys doing for post? what are your opinions on codecs and workflow?

thanks! jon

8bit color nonsense http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5439/8bit-color-nonsense Mon, 10 Dec 2012 12:40:59 +0000 shian 5439@/talks/discussions Per the discussion that started in the GH3 thread: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/comment/101069#Comment_101069

Where it was stated that shooting flat in 8bit was a terrible idea, and the nonsense we've heard over and over that you can't bring that color back, which everyone who has seen my work knows is just not true.

While it is true you cannot magically turn 8 bit color into 32bit color. Working in a 32bit environment does allow your corrections to enhance your footage rather than deteriorate your footage.

@FilmingArt FCP X, Premiere Pro CS6, Vegas Pro 12, Smoke 2013, are all 32bit

Just go to my vimeo channel to see tons of video's shot using this method on 8bit cameras https://vimeo.com/channels/shianstorm

And then check these threads for why you are catastrophically wrong about "noise and all kinds of other problems." And welcome to the discussion.




AATranslator: Conversion Tool Adds Video Capabilities - Help Make Them Better! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4083/aatranslator-conversion-tool-adds-video-capabilities-help-make-them-better Sun, 29 Jul 2012 21:18:49 +0000 thepalalias 4083@/talks/discussions EDIT 1: If you are Vegas user thinking about exporting to DaVinci Resolve, you should definitely read this.

EDIT 2: If anyone has a FCP 7 exported XML 5 file or a DaVinci Resolve 8.2 XML file they could post so I could try to look at syntax differences vs. the current XML, it would be much appreciated. If you are interested in seeing the features below implemented so that you can buy the software,

Michael at http://www.aatranslator.com.au/ has been kind enough to spend a lot of time recently working on getting better FCP XML conversion capabilities into AATranslater (his relatively inexpensive conversion program for audio that is expanding to include video). If the conversion process worked properly, it would allow a lot very helpful things to happen.

  • The ability to take Sony Vegas Pro sessions in and out of Resolve the way the FCP 7 users can currently do (via FCP XML).
  • Improved export from Sony Vegas Pro to FCP 7 or Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.
  • He has talked about possible FCP X support.

And there are of course many others. I am not affiliated with Michael's company but if the conversion starts working, I will of course buy myself a copy of the software (because the process to get Vegas files into DaVinci Resolve is insanely difficult at the moment, even with the intermediate use of programs like Adobe Premiere to try and convert the AAF files to be more readable, etc.) When I say the workflow without this tool is insanely difficult, I mean over 30 man-hours this week alone on the problem and still have not solved in a satisfactory fashion after 2 weeks.

Here are some of the reasons why a converter like this would help. - Sony Vegas Pro 11 AAF files will not open in DaVinci Resolve 8.2. - Sony Vegas Pro 11 EDL files will not open in DaVinci Resolve 8.2. - Sony Vegas Pro 11 EDL files will not open in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. - Sony Vegas Pro 11 AAF files that can open close to perfectly back into Sony Vegas, may have major issues in Adobe Premiere CS6. - The AAT Sony Vegas Pro XML import and export scripts (potentially) allow more information to come out of Vegas than an AAF file (current issues seem limited to BIN support and sub-clip support).

But at the moment we are hitting several challenges and so I would like to ask for help, both in providing additional files and in looking at the ones below.

The attached "AAT XMLfiles for PV - v1" ZIP file contains two files.

The "VP11 AAT XML v1" file is the XML output from Vegas using a custom AAT script.

The "AAT XML to AAT to FCP XML - v1" file was created by parsing that script through the converter at the moment (note that the program has not been designed for this sort of conversion and will have to be re-written to work properly).

If you have FCP 7 XML 5 exported files or similar DaVinci Resolve 8.2 files that you can upload for analysis, it would be appreciated. Or if you can look at the AAT FCP XML file below to find out things like why it will open in Premiere Pro CS 4.0.1 but not CS 6.0, it would also be appreciated.

Here's hoping Michael can create a conversion tool that would make life a lot easier, and thanks in advance for your help!

'Update 2012-07-30 01:02AM' - The resolution mismatch has now been fixed. - The CS6 "hanging" issue from a direct import (vs CS4 importing mostly correctly) is being looked at.

Exporting for Vimeo http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2110/exporting-for-vimeo Wed, 25 Jan 2012 10:10:08 +0000 oskbtl 2110@/talks/discussions Having some troubles with my exporting... its not coming out as sharp... im using compressor and exporting it out as h.264 at 5mbs and 1080p

iv seen some nice quality exports on here... anyone have any advice? thanks

Avid's Scriptsync tool http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2827/avids-scriptsync-tool Tue, 10 Apr 2012 19:21:19 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 2827@/talks/discussions I've just discovered how handy it is for editing long form. Do you guys know if there is anything similar as an add-on for FCP or CS5? It looks like a good reason to switch. Although I'm totally in love with Premiere. Check this:


Help Please: How to import mts (gh1/2 hacked 25p native) into FCP http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1985/help-please-how-to-import-mts-gh12-hacked-25p-native-into-fcp Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:27:26 +0000 dts 1985@/talks/discussions Hi

I am using Vegas so no problem here, but my buddy uses FCP and says he cannot import his files without re-coding. Is it possible to remux them into a container that FCP would "swallow" so there would be no need for recompression ? ;)

Sorry for the rookie question but i could not find an answer in the search... so please be gentle guys!

Thanx in advance

Hacked GH1 - AVCHD transcoding...wont go above 15mbps http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1122/hacked-gh1-avchd-transcoding...wont-go-above-15mbps Thu, 06 Oct 2011 20:54:59 +0000 Ecoleica 1122@/talks/discussions FCPX, FCP7, and AE users, Automatic Duck is now FREE! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1305/fcpx-fcp7-and-ae-users-automatic-duck-is-now-free Sat, 29 Oct 2011 08:06:57 +0000 Brian202020 1305@/talks/discussions

From Wes and Harry:

October 28, 2011

If you missed our mail last month you should check it out as it got a lot of people talking. Today we have a follow-up.

Our web site has relaunched* and while the overall look of the site is similar there is a dramatic difference in how we are distributing our plug-ins.

Starting today Pro Import AE, Pro Import FCP and Pro Export FCP (both versions, for FCP7 and FCPX) are available at no charge. You read this right. Free.

We are unable to provide support at the same level as we have over the years, but we didn't want these plug-ins to go away while they remain useful. So if you can make use of these plug-ins in your projects, enjoy!

Thank you to all of our users, working with you for the last 10 1/2 years was a truly wonderful experience.

- Wes and Harry
Kevin Monahan
Sr. Content and Community Lead
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Media Encoder
Adobe Systems, Inc.]]>
Unable to import some files in FCP http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1150/unable-to-import-some-files-in-fcp Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:31:32 +0000 jonblon 1150@/talks/discussions GH2 Deinterlacing 50i in FCP http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1093/gh2-deinterlacing-50i-in-fcp Mon, 03 Oct 2011 05:30:03 +0000 zcream 1093@/talks/discussions So what is the workflow that people use to deinterlace this footage ?]]> Hacked GH1 and Final Cut Pro http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1052/hacked-gh1-and-final-cut-pro Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:31:05 +0000 gohanmj 1052@/talks/discussions
1. I have hacked my previously unhackable GH17 with all of the popular patches and a couple of my own modified patches using ptool 362.

2. Of all patches I have tried, lpowell's max latitude 100mbps patch seems to have the highest average bit rate according to Media Info.

3. Media Info says the max latitude patch has a max overall bit rate of 108 Mbps and averages 20.8 Mbps

4. Media Info says that footage from my unhacked GH17 has a max overall bit rate of 18 Mbps and averages 11.8 Mbps

5. Once my footage is transferred into Final Cut Pro 7 using Pro Res 422, the data rate in FCP7 of my unhacked footage averages 17 MBps while the data rate of my hacked footage averages about 13.5 MBps.

6. This discrepancy makes no sense to me. And moreover it would seem that if you edit in FCP7 that you are better off not hacking the GH1. Is this assumption correct? Can someone share more information on this issue?]]>
Final Cut Pro X playback looks distorted after hack? Solved http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/973/final-cut-pro-x-playback-looks-distorted-after-hack-solved- Sat, 17 Sep 2011 12:26:15 +0000 remoteworks 973@/talks/discussions
I'm having some issues after testing different setting's on 1080p/720p with the GH2 Cam.
In Vlc it looks ok, but when imported in Final cut pro x, the image is distorted/blurry it's worse with 720p.
Tried to load the default firmware, but no difference.
If i import some footage from a none hacked GH2 from a friend it looks ok!

Do other people use Final Cut and have the same result after they hacked/changed the firmware?


Video Plays Fine on Camera but Constant Blips on Computer http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/489/video-plays-fine-on-camera-but-constant-blips-on-computer Mon, 25 Jul 2011 19:44:31 +0000 surfr1121 489@/talks/discussions
I just installed the hack the other day and everything I have shot so far has been fine with the exception of the first couple of seconds of every video having the "blip," but today it figures when I go to shoot something important the video looks fine on the camera but when I do a log and transfer in FCP7, the video has constant choppiness and "blips" all over the place. It is now completely unusable. I thought that the problem might be log and transfer but then I tried to convert it with Toast Titanium and had even stranger results. The .mts file is almost 600mb but when I drag it into Toast, it says it's 2mb and when I export it, it just exports a 1 second clip of just solid green...?? What the heck!? There must be some way to save my video! I mean if it looks good on the camera playback then the file must not be the problem right? Someone PLEASE help me out here!! I was using recommended settings of 42000000 in 24H mode if that helps...

Thanks for any input]]>
GH17 and FCP7 import Questions http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/462/gh17-and-fcp7-import-questions Fri, 22 Jul 2011 13:29:25 +0000 jules 462@/talks/discussions
Am importing footage into FCP7 from my hacked GH17. Shooting with 100mbps patch, AVCHD 1080p24. When i click on clips in my timeline frame size is 1920 by 1080, 23.98fps, and they fairly consistently have a Data Rate of 13MB/s. However, the timeline setting aspect ratio is always 1080i, and the clips all have a Field Dominance of 'Upper'. This means the footage is interlaced?

Exported .mov of final sequence analyzed with MediaInfo shows the movie has a Bit Rate of 105mbps (variable), 1888 by 1062 aspect, 23.976 fps, and that the Scan type is 'interlaced'.

So.. my questions are...

1) How does the 13.5MB/s data rate in fcp relate to the 105mbps in final .mov? are MB/s and mbps the same units?? is the hack producing high bitrates for me? I appreciate it is variable and depends on footage.. but should be more than 13.5 given my footage? i have pre-hack (GH1) footage that MediaInfo shows as 85mbps in final movie, so am presuming that the 105mbps doesn't mean i am achieving the hack levels.

2) What am i doing wrong at import? Why is my 1080p24 footage seen by FCP as interlaced and exported as such? even though i shoot in progressive, do i need to deinterlace at export form FCP?

Again.. sorry if questions are stupid or not appropriate. am just a completely confused newbie!!

