Tagged with eyecup - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/eyecup/feed.rss Sat, 28 Sep 24 23:53:37 +0000 Tagged with eyecup - Personal View Talks en-CA GH3 (GH4 too?) OEM eyecup http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9679/gh3-gh4-too-oem-eyecup Thu, 20 Feb 2014 22:19:24 +0000 debuys 9679@/talks/discussions I lost my GH3's EVF eyecup. I modified an aftermarket Hoodman Nikon D300 eyecup to fit and it's great but it obstructs the LCD's movement and extends above the hotshoe. I wanted to replace the original eyecup and had a hell of a time finding even just the part number on the web. I called Panasonic's warranty number and learned that the eyecup falling off would be covered under warranty. I was told to pack the camera up and send it in to a repair center where they would replace the eyecup. My only expense would be shipping it to them. I started a claim and got a case number but I asked to be transferred to the parts department. I wanted to see if I could find the part and compare the cost of shipping in my camera to buying a tiny part.

Panasonic USA's tech support, repair and parts department didn't have a diagram or an obvious part name to help me order the right part. I was patient and eventually I was put in contact with a manager who had worked in multiple departments and was familiar with the "DMC-GH3". She found the part number and took the order over the phone. It arrived in about 5 business days.

Since it was such an an unusual, inexplicably time consuming affair I thought I should share the information.

The part number is VYK6B43

The Panasonic USA parts telephone number is 1-800-833-9626. Other regions have a different number. It can also order via internet.

My cost including shipping was $16.75 US

Eyecup for EVF. $5.40 only. http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/194/eyecup-for-evf.-5.40-only. Wed, 08 Jun 2011 00:59:12 +0000 stoney 194@/talks/discussions eyecup. This looked... ghetto. Occasionally it pops up a bit on top as u can see on the 3rd picture. One finger to push it back. $5.40... what do u expect? I can see everything. No light leaking. LCD flips back and forth easily. No more nose grease all over on the back of LCD screen. It doesn't invalidate warranty. Hot shoe intact. But what if it breaks? Always have extra rubbers. What if there's no rubber? No worry. Back to EVF rabbit hole. That's all. Large eyecup is quite annoying for photography, but it's so nice for videography.

Tip: Secure Your GH4 Eyecup http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11890/tip-secure-your-gh4-eyecup- Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:06:49 +0000 bheath 11890@/talks/discussions Hi,

I would suggest that users of the GH4 secure the rubber eyecup to the body using a few narrow strips of two-sided tape - (the gummy kind) or something like a bit of silicone adhesive.

It takes very little force to remove this thing. For instance taking the camera in and out of a back, pocket or pack.

The replacement part is costly (over $30.00 USD and will take time out of your shooting.

I used a few strips of 4mm wide, two-sided tape, because I also wanted to lock the diopter dial in place.

I'm not attaching a picture, because the camera can't take a picture of itself:)

I hope this helps any of you.

Over and out.

Modified Nikon Hoodman eyecup for GH3 and GH4 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9680/modified-nikon-hoodman-eyecup-for-gh3-and-gh4 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 23:59:51 +0000 debuys 9680@/talks/discussions Here's some pictures of an alternative eyecup for the GH3/4. Only a few cuts with a hacksaw and file were required. Basically I sawed off the bottom lip and widened the horizontal dimensions of an aftermarket Hoodman eyecup.

It almost makes the EVF usable.

Zacuto eyecup http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2227/zacuto-eyecup Thu, 09 Feb 2012 01:50:32 +0000 brianluce 2227@/talks/discussions Anyone used this on the GH2? http://store.zacuto.com/Z-Finder-V2-Protective-Upgrade.html
