Tagged with director - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/director/feed.rss Tue, 18 Feb 25 23:12:25 +0000 Tagged with director - Personal View Talks en-CA FEEDBACK ASKED: Working as a camerawoman and editor on music videos http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11911/feedback-asked-working-as-a-camerawoman-and-editor-on-music-videos Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:40:12 +0000 dlzn 11911@/talks/discussions I'm currently working as a videographer for like 10 months right now. Mostly 'specialized' in doing guerrilla style music videos. My goal is to achieve the high budget look, with the low budget costs (don't we all).

Gear used on both videos:

  • Panasonic GH2 cam with flowmotion hack
  • Two Minolta MD lenses, 28mm F1.8 and 50mm F.17
  • Sigma 19mm F2.8
  • Mostly shot with: a rig, tripod, table slider and handheld

My goal is to eventually work more with commercial artists and especially to learn as much as possible about cinematography and cinematic aspects used in music videos.

Would love to receive some feedback on both videos!



We need a DP for 2-3 days http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8238/we-need-a-dp-for-2-3-days Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:20:36 +0000 matt_gh2 8238@/talks/discussions This may be a cool opportunity for someone in MD or neaby area. We've completed 90% of our feature film shoot, but our DP is ill and recovering. We need someone who can DP the remaining few scenes. It's a paid position. You don't need a long resume...you just need to be good. So if you're interested PM with a link to what you've done, and best way to contact you. We have all the equipment needed - we just need your artistry and good eye.

Movie podcast http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5874/movie-podcast Wed, 23 Jan 2013 00:15:46 +0000 Faudel 5874@/talks/discussions A radio blog about those involved in movies.It's hollywood centered btw


A huge database of interviews, cinematographers, screenwriters, directors, composers and so on... you will probably find one that will pleased you ! (click on archives)

Some dedicated discussion like the Kubrick series

Director's Topic - How to use hardware features to turn script intention into motion mood/feeling http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5306/directors-topic-how-to-use-hardware-features-to-turn-script-intention-into-motion-moodfeeling Mon, 26 Nov 2012 11:21:36 +0000 apefos 5306@/talks/discussions When I did the second video using the Apefoscope, some people said it was useless to perceive the image quality due to lots of post production. My intention was not hide any imperfection from the adapter itself, I was just trying to give some mood/feeling to the video. A way to improve the romantic and emotive mood using slow motion, film grain, increase contrast and saturation, also some kind of tri-x black & white look, some low saturation look, to combine with the lens flares, with the engaging couple and with the sad/romantic music to do more than a review, but some kind of pleasant warming sensation.

So today when I saw a second video done in a similar way (slow/flares/night/sad,romantic music/color,bw), and some people also says it is not good to review a product, so I started to think we could open another kind of topic: "How to use a hardware" instead of "How good a hardware is"

So feel free to post videos here, but just post them if you can do an analyses in how the director used the hardware to create a mood/feeling.

The video I did and described above is this number on vimeo: 52730117

And the second video I saw today with similar direction is this number on vimeo: 54266780

Just created this group on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/groups/167217
