Tagged with diet - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/diet/feed.rss Sun, 06 Oct 24 18:19:57 +0000 Tagged with diet - Personal View Talks en-CA Nutrients for Better Mental Performance ( videos and reads ) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3992/nutrients-for-better-mental-performance-videos-and-reads- Fri, 20 Jul 2012 17:13:10 +0000 endotoxic 3992@/talks/discussions Hello.

Since Vitality make a thread about food costs in US. I thogut it would be interesting to make a new one about the importance of nutrition. Since we are in an age of chemicals, and junk food, its very important to maintain good nutrition to our brain. @subco mentioned something important in the us food cost thread. He invests in good food, and it should be a real requirement for moder society, since we are sorrounded by shity food, and getting every time more further from our real natural way of eating.

There are interesting articles about the "PALEOLITIC DIET" and how it was the one that last longer in our evolution, even more than the agricultion era. In paleolitic times, there was no weat, soybean, and generall grains. Thats why there is so much people with celica desease (Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by eating gluten) and soy bean or even peanut!!

The food pyramid that we all learn is chool should be downsided, inverted, as the goverment keep us uninformed even doctors dont know about it. Please take a little of your time and invest in good knowlege, since you eat every day.

Please feal free to post important data for better nutrition and brain performance.

Paleolithic diet.


"Today, humanity depends on only about 100 crops for 90 percent of the food supply. Our paleolithic ancestors, by contrast, consumed a much wider variety of plant micronutrients derived from a plant supply that was equally as diverse."

"The absence of antibiotics, coupled with the accident-prone nature of the hunter-gathering lifestyle, meant very few paleolithic humans lived to age 60 only about 9 in 100, by some estimates. Nevertheless, those who survived likely were impressive physical specimens, free of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes that plague so many moderns in old age"

Here is a VERY important video.

Brain performance drugs:

