Tagged with crisis - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/crisis/feed.rss Sun, 06 Oct 24 10:49:33 +0000 Tagged with crisis - Personal View Talks en-CA Venezuela: outside intervention escalating the crisis http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21380/venezuela-outside-intervention-escalating-the-crisis Wed, 23 Jan 2019 13:03:59 +0000 RoadsidePicnic 21380@/talks/discussions Juan Guaidó proclaimed himself President of Venezuela in 23JAN, Guaidó, who is basically in his first mandate as deputy, is leader of the opposition and president of National Assembly. The opposition has been attempting to use the National Assembly as a proto-government since the constitutional crisis of 2017, with the election the Constituent Assembly witch was boycotted by the opposition.

Minutes later, USA recognized Guaidó as legitimate president of the country and moved OAS to follow. The sphere of influence of USA and the Lima Group also followed. Later the day Russia, Turkey, Bolivia and Cuba announced support to Maduro.

USA government threatened armed intervention if Maduro "makes anything": "we have made no decision but every option is on the table". Russia announced that they would act in defense of Maduro in the case of USA intervention. EU and some other "neutral" countries position it's to search for talks and promote general elections with ONU support.



Edit: Changed the sputnik news link to one updated. Added a little bit of info.

Routine meal searching uncover paralel content: phytates, antinutrients and capital http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/18108/routine-meal-searching-uncover-paralel-content-phytates-antinutrients-and-capital- Wed, 01 Nov 2017 13:35:47 +0000 RoadsidePicnic 18108@/talks/discussions Was searching for oats porridge on google:

Capitalism has proven most resourceful. Population growth ha no doubt aided in its growth. Yet there is also a geographical dimension to its sucess, as noted famously by Henry Lefebvre (1991) and David Harvey (1982). In other words, through the production of space (e.g., Harvey), as witnessed through decreases in transportation and communication costs and the instant exchange of information between nodes located all around the world. These expansionistic tendencies take both intensive (e.g., new infraestructure investments in cities already involved in capitalistic modes of production) and extensive (investments in areas not yet enveloped in the logic of capital) forms (Sewell 2008). Yetm as Marx and Engels (1967) noted so long ago, these tendencies produce contradictions, which must be resolved in some form so as not to derail the circulation of capital. And therein lays capitalism's transformational engine, in these contradictions/tensions that it then "resolves". This has allowed capitalism to continue on the tracks without (yet?) a major derailing of its logics.

Marx and Engels predicted that eventually such tensions would become too much for capitalism: "The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very fundation on which the burgeoisie produces and appropriates productions. What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave-diggers" (Marx and Engels 1978: 483). The (first) contradiction is overproduction - that eventually there will simply be too much stuff and not enough people able to buy it all. More recently, James O'Connor (1998) has written about what he calls the second contradiction of capital. While the contradiction discussed by Marx and Engels centers on a crisis on the demand side, for O'Connor capitalism will, over time, witness a crisis on the supply side. This under-production will occur as industry and state - both which are directed by the logics of capital - fail to protect the conditions of production, namely, the environment. "Put simply", in the words of O'Connor (1998: 245), "the second contradiction states that when individual capitals attempt to defend or restore profits by cutting or externalizing costs, the unintended effect is to redue the 'productivity' of the conditions of production".

To be clear, I am not looking to rewrite Marx nor am I hoping to challenge or contradict others extensions of his thought. There is an impeccable logic embedded within these grave-digger arguments. But I cannot help wonder if there is something else 0 if you will, something "deeper" - that unites these contradictions into a single conceptual thread. It seems to m at least that capitalism would have painfully short existence were it not for our readiness to mistake its abstract "objects" for the concrete. The link between object-ification and O'Connor's argument is fairly easy to state. Breaking up the world into "decontextualized, dissociated and detached" commodities (Callon 1998: 19) reduces the productivity of the conditions of production because this process fragments something that fundamentally is not fragmented (see e.g., Levins and Lewontin 1994). And with each "object" new tensions arise (whereby the productivity of the conditions of production are threatened), which in turn brings about new objects (and new tensions), and so forth.

Capital has thus far acted with amazing speed at turning these tensions into sources of profits. William Sewell (2008: 525) describes this ability as follows:

"The occurrence of events in social life, of unexpected happenings of any sort, is for capital above all an opportunity for new sources of profit. As the profitability of existing investments declines or stagnates, there are always alert capitalists scanning the horizon for new, more profitable investments. It is this eternal alertness of capital for higher profit that drives both the business cycle (because the enthusiastic pursuit of new possibilities of gains results time and again in overinvestment) and capitalism's continual expansion (as new geographical, technological, social, and cultural patterns open the possibility for extending capitalist money-making practices into ever new sites)."

Decentering Biotechnology: Assemblages Built and Assemblages Masked By Professor Michael S Carolan


Upper pages seems more porridge related and are also very interesting.

Shooting a documentary in Europe, need some help http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3999/shooting-a-documentary-in-europe-need-some-help Sat, 21 Jul 2012 15:49:49 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 3999@/talks/discussions Guys, I've posted here already a couple times about the documentary we are working on (called "Planet of Babel" http://tv.globalresearch.ca/2012/05/planet-babel-story-greatest-recession-trailer) We are in the midst of production cycle — been shooting for the last week in Spain and had a really great experience in working with the GH2 ppl there.

We are now going to Italy through France and then — Greece.

If you guys have time/ideas and enthusiasm please don't hesitate to contact our crew.

As our previous experience showed nobody knows the situation better than the folks on the ground.

What we are looking for are people's stories, characters, plots, stories which can tell us something new/unusual about the current crisis.

Use this chance!!!

You can reach me here or through ksyomin @ gmail.com

Peace to the GH2 world dwellers!

Im going to shot a documentary to Greece. How should i finance it? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6232/im-going-to-shot-a-documentary-to-greece.-how-should-i-finance-it Sat, 23 Feb 2013 12:31:58 +0000 anacrofilosoteca 6232@/talks/discussions Hi. Im Juan Manuel, from Argentina, 33 years old. I work in cinematography since 6 years ago. Im building a producer independent company:


Im going to shot a documentary to greece about it crisis and paralelism with our old crisis in 1999-2001/2003. Im planing to do it with a matte. My wish is to go and being with basis, in the underground, with people who is fighting and organizing by it self against the desicions that is taked by the goberment. For that, ill take a Nikon D7000, some lenses, a mini boom, a cool tripod and a strong backpack. The perfect gear to travel over all the country, using any kind of transport; and to get in any kind of places and situations. I want to shot and edit there, for that im going to get a good laptop, for editing full hd or hd.

My guess is to ask to PAZOK, ΣΥΡΙΖΑ and independet artists who would like to help us with the language; with lodging, and information. Here is not enough information about Greece, and wath is really happening there. We have the money for getting there, maybe for food but not much by now. the point is to going in july and, well, as you see; we are looking for help. Whatever you aport to the toppic will be very apreciated and welcome. Tank you so much for the space to Vitaly and the amazing forum that it is:)

Euro crisis art – passing fad or here to stay? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4749/euro-crisis-art-passing-fad-or-here-to-stay Fri, 28 Sep 2012 15:01:11 +0000 agoltz 4749@/talks/discussions

The question of whether euro-crisis art is a passing fad is a valid one. With no resolution to the single currency’s problems in sight, however, the region will continue to throw ample raw materials at politically-aware artists for some time. The Economist


Europe: from stagnation to collapse http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1909/europe-from-stagnation-to-collapse Mon, 02 Jan 2012 14:50:53 +0000 Diffusion33 1909@/talks/discussions
The food crises and political instability http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/879/the-food-crises-and-political-instability Wed, 07 Sep 2011 16:26:08 +0000 stoney 879@/talks/discussions http://arxiv.org/pdf/1108.2455

It says 2013 would be the tipping point if the food price continues the uptrend.]]>