Tagged with concerts - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/concerts/feed.rss Wed, 03 Jul 24 17:25:25 +0000 Tagged with concerts - Personal View Talks en-CA Ultra wide low light option for GH4 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15971/ultra-wide-low-light-option-for-gh4 Mon, 31 Oct 2016 10:54:19 +0000 Irfan 15971@/talks/discussions Hi there Im looking to get lens for shooting underground parties. I already own Lumix 12-35 2.8 and 20mm f1.7. Still Im not satisfied with them in low light. I would love something that is wider (7mm) and faster for gigs shooting. Fixed lenses with manual aperture and focus are not problem to me. But Im opened to any solution. Thanks!

GH13 Concert and Event settings 24p with file spanning http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/852/gh13-concert-and-event-settings-24p-with-file-spanning Sun, 04 Sep 2011 17:22:19 +0000 DrDave 852@/talks/discussions Although not always high art, I get a lot of requests to video a show, concert, event, wedding, etc., and these events typically are indoors, with poor or varied lighting.
Sometimes these events run several hours. And for these events, I sometimes prefer the IQ of the GH13 over the GH2, at ISO 400-1000.
My requirements are:
24p for easy editing in Premiere and others. Premiere offers real time playback and effects with Mercury engine.
Reasonably good IQ, regardless of the bitrate
Minimal pulsing (some ppl don't see it but it drives me nuts)
Fine grain at ISO 800 and usable 1600
File spanning, in case I need continuous coverage
Smooth transitions in shadows, given the limitations of the camera.
Ability to use F/5.6 on a sharp lens in places that have good lighting
Good IQ and grain with lens wide open in bad lighting.
Plays back in camera so the highlights ("overs") can be checked, and also IQ checked on a monitor.
Static scene bit rate 0f 20-24, typical of events and shows, or stages where there are a lot of fixed objects or open space
Works on a Transcend 32gb Class 10 card or better

First off, I would like to acknowledge all those who have done the real work, including Vitaliy, cbrandin, lpowell, blackout, rigs, and many more.
Basis line: my starting point was the BP patch and lpowell's amazing high reliabilty patch. The HR patch has really served me well. It file spans reasonably well, has great IQ. It does not of course have 24p (hence the reliable part). The BP patch is also great, and is 24p, but did not span reliably. Another issue is that high bitrate patches often give low rates in low light. And theatre lighting with F/5.6 would occasionally lock up at 24p.
Along came the rigs patch, which gives HIGH rates in low light and static scenes. My static scene bit rates doubled. Also, pulsing in shadow areas is minimized.I made three changes to this patch. First, I used the suggestion to raise the buffer to 84. Next, I lowered the overall bitrate in the regular section to 36 and the minimum to 22. I found that I could not see a big difference in static scene rates of 24 as opposed to the 33 I was getting in Rigs. Also, after a certain point it seemed that noise in shadow areas became slightly more visible after the bitrate exceeded 24.
So far, in three days of testing, quality is good, file spanning is good and I get a solid 24 minutes per 4 gig chunk on my card--the reasonably priced Transcend 32gb. Mileage plus.

Like all 24p patches, I suspect it will crash, so those who really need reliability should go for lpowell's high reliability patch. As with all patches, use at your own risk.
I'm sure those better versed in the subtleties of the patch can make a better one, and I welcome suggestions.

The zip file has the most conservative version of the patch. I will try to bump the bit rate up ten percent with the same stability,and also work on possibly a GOP of 8 or 6.]]>