Tagged with complexity - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/complexity/feed.rss Wed, 26 Jun 24 16:30:45 +0000 Tagged with complexity - Personal View Talks en-CA Unmanageable Complexity: Parasites http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7166/unmanageable-complexity-parasites- Wed, 05 Jun 2013 02:32:03 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 7166@/talks/discussions One of very interesting properties of current world situation is that different parts of society live according to the different rules and have different expectations.

Short period of exponential rise in available energy and resources made new stratum. Parasitic Stratum.
Parasitic stratum started to eat available resources with constantly insreasing amount. But increasing at linear rate.
Situation changed as exponential growth stopped.
And after stopping in many areas started to require more and more resources to just keep at present level.

Problem is that parasitic stratum still eat more and more resources and now this linear rate is unsustainable. If you won't be getting resources from most other stratums. :-) And this is that we can see around yourself.

Each day patasites around the world look more and more inadequate to present situation.

But having power, armies and mass media they keep things under control.

Unmanageable complexity: Zugzwang http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6492/unmanageable-complexity-zugzwang Sun, 24 Mar 2013 22:39:48 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6492@/talks/discussions It is so fun to watch various experts and analytics, especially since Cyprus fun began.

I'll ignore ultra liberal fluff, as it is just waste of time, but set of proposed solutions from smarter ones is quite typical.

Most popular one is reindustrialisation and moving manufacturing back to Europe and US. Combined with some sort of customs fees preventing competition with foreight goods.

Issue here is that current crisis is fundamental, tightly connected to population numbers, automatization, energy, land and resources available. Plus extreme complexity of current systems and products. Reindustrialization, unfortunately is not solution for all this problems.

Usually target country has enery deficit, trade deficit, issues with working force, issues with logistics due other sectors also moved away. Worst things here is that it needs big amount of energy and resources, and this, in turn could mean life level drop. In global scale in means less efficient energy usage (due to reducing scale and concentration and also due to bigger consumption standards of new workers) and increased complexity. Such approach could work perfect on the left slope of energy curve, with big amount of cheap energy. And we saw exactly this. Now it won't work.

You can also try to make most of population work in small firms that use old primitive approach requiring many unskilled workers, but it'll require more energy, more land and more resources. Only easy solution is to reduce population on large scale.

Another popular idea is regulation of commercial banks. Issue here is misunderstanding of banks role. Banks in their current form had been made to solve fucking rabbits problem. Potential(!) resources and possibilities had been so vast that most effective approach was to just "make" money via multiplier and lend it to everyone who could use them. As this is not the case now, system stopped working properly. And use of any usual measures won't run it again. So, commercial banks will be destroyed. Corporations hope that they'll be in charge of superbanks, as if it won't happen most of them will share commercial banks destiny. I am almost sure that this attempt will fail.

Basic Things http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5834/basic-things Sat, 19 Jan 2013 01:32:32 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5834@/talks/discussions Somehow people who look quite smart at first sign can't get basic things.

Let's take goverment. They think that if they will elect other party it'll suddly act in the interests of the people.
Not the small part of elites they represent actually, but whole people.

And, strangely for them, this never happens.

What are required terms for this to happen?

Elites must have direct feedback. Constant and continuous. In case of big damage or betrayal of people interests they must be charged and punished up to the death penalty. They also must not have any ability to leave country and live happily. They must know that every their action will have real consequences.

Again, strangely, this means that they must have different and incompatible to mainstream ideology, ideology widely proclaimed evil by other elites.
