Tagged with cinealta - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/cinealta/feed.rss Wed, 03 Jul 24 04:46:27 +0000 Tagged with cinealta - Personal View Talks en-CA Official Sony CineAlta F65 topic, 8K 16bit raw camera http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/872/official-sony-cinealta-f65-topic-8k-16bit-raw-camera Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:17:45 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 872@/talks/discussions








Chatterhead - Short Film on Bernie vs Hillary shot on Sony F65 http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14533/chatterhead-short-film-on-bernie-vs-hillary-shot-on-sony-f65 Wed, 03 Feb 2016 09:42:11 +0000 eddavid 14533@/talks/discussions I directed a film about the debate in our heads that is driving us nuts - Hillary or Bernie?  Vote with our heart or mind?

Shot on the Sony F65 with Cinealta 4k lenses, with Tiffen Digital Diffusion 1/4 filter. The camera is heavy so we used an easy-rig for everything but the subway stuff. In terms of content, this is an idea that was in my head a lot. It's based on walking home from a job one night, thinking a lot about these things. Especially after a post I did and the feedback on it, about Bernie. Calling him a populist and all that. It was interesting, because I chose Bernie but didn't research him when I chose him months ago, even though this is the guy who may be president. And my anger towards Hillary was after reading just one article in Harpers. Interesting how much power we the uniformed are given. Better than some dictatorship, we must not take the ability to vote for granted. Just wish the media educated us better on their past, their records. There I go again! We shot Sony SR Raw -compressed mode which is like shooting red at 5:1 compression. Very simple to load the clips in with the new sony reader. Goes right into resolve, then mostly played with the Sony raw tab, and used a color chart to naturalize the skin tones and went from there. Very easy workflow. Before this card reader, it was really annonying as hell. You had to go through ethernet and load clips from a web browser. Probably is what sunk this camera. But the flip side is that it's what allowed me to afford one :) Incredible low-light camera. Pushed it a lot one stop to 1000 ASA and it looks completely clean. The digital gain looks like film noise. Amazing skin tones. The camera has a lot of meat in the image, a lot of resolution which is nice - gets it a very smooth, natural look. I was I very impressed with the quality of skintones at 3200k. Can't wait to use this guy on many more projects. Just have to figure out how to get it on a movi :)
