Tagged with choppy - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/choppy/feed.rss Sat, 28 Sep 24 22:41:22 +0000 Tagged with choppy - Personal View Talks en-CA GH4 footage choppy on XPS15 i7 6700HQ http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16044/gh4-footage-choppy-on-xps15-i7-6700hq Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:40:06 +0000 Tjibbe 16044@/talks/discussions I just got a brand new Dell XPS15 with 16gb ram, i7 6700HQ and a Geforce 960m. Why the hell does my 4k footage run like garbage even compared to my old Macbook Air?

Is it Windows 10? Because going by bechmarks, my Windows 7 desktop with FX3850 is not much faster en slower on single treaded operations, but playing back GH4 footage is a piece of cake.

Anyone got some insight?

Jitter/choppy playback - solution? GH4 same issue? http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10140/jitterchoppy-playback-solution-gh4-same-issue Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:42:08 +0000 cogumelo 10140@/talks/discussions I'm still having trouble to playback MOV 1080 60p footage from my GH3 on my macs (a macbook retina displays and a MacPro 8core 24GB Ram). Those files playback normally on the camera, but it's quite choppy or jittery on my computer, specially on pan movements. Does it has a solution? conversion or transcoding? Is it a mac problem? a codec problem? or GH3 problem? I also got jitter recoding on all setting of 1080 60p, using my other camera, NEX 5N, that also records 1080 60p AVCHD I got no problems at all, the files playbacks just right, but I also think the NEX footage is 59,94i converted on camera to 60p or 59,94p... I don't now... I think if maybe the gh3 were capable to records 60i in MOV mode it wouldn't happen.... I think the problem is due the progressive fields, or YUV to RGB conversion problem....I don't know... because when I transcode the files using 5dtoRGB software, it gets better, less jitter, but they still there! If we're having trouble to playback 1080p 60p, can you imagine what gonna happen with the 4k files? I've pre-order a GH4, but I'm thinking twice if it's worth to... I don't want more headache with playback issues... I'm thinking to move to Sony A7s.... That's SAD!!! Anyone knows the real reason why we can't playback those files??? what should I say to my clients that got choppy footage? my camera is rubbish! or your computer is rubbish!??? WTF? That's just sad!

Gh2 choppy online playback http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5732/gh2-choppy-online-playback Wed, 09 Jan 2013 18:37:31 +0000 ade123321 5732@/talks/discussions Hi guys, hope someone has the time to answer this. Timelapses I have done with my gh2 have slightly 'choppy/stuttered motion when uploaded to Vimeo/YouTube. in fact all timelapses I can find on YouTube or Vimeo seem to have this . Do you know why this is? Maybe it is in all online video and timelapse clouds just show it up more. I see it in panning shots from dslrs on these video sites as well, My timelapse videos look perfectly smooth on my desktop media player. Many thanks.
