Tagged with cast - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/cast/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 01:26:22 +0000 Tagged with cast - Personal View Talks en-CA Vivitar Variable ND Test http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6727/vivitar-variable-nd-test Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:10:14 +0000 DailyFilmFix 6727@/talks/discussions Here's a test I did today with the Vivitar NDX variable filter. I have been in post on my latest doc, "Three Days at Foster," and I've been working overtime on color correction. I used this particular filter on my Zuiko 45mm because the filter was for 37mm thread. I knew there were concerns about color cast and loss of sharpness, but a lot of what I shot was lovely anyway. The rest, I'm fixing.

So, for this test, which is probably not well done, I set up my GH1 with the reliability hack and set it to smooth with everything -2. I manually white balanced on the white door with each test after I set exposure. I pulled focus using a loupe.

To my eye, the one with the filter on it and the extra LED light does look, perhaps, a little less sharp. When I sharpened, it became a little more clear that there may be a slight loss of sharpness. But you guys look at it and tell me if my eyes need to be reset.

I ran three cameras on my doc (two GH1s and an HMC150) and was able to find an angle every time that worked. But I did not properly pay attention to color on some shots and tried to dial it in. After this test, I'm going to manually do it moving forward. Actually, I did manually balance with my video camera (the HMC150) on each interview, which did make a difference.

My main question is: now that Light Craft has a 37mm variable ND available at Adorama, based on this test, how much better would it be?

Finally, I realize that the casting and focus issues would become more pronounced as I cranked the ND down (darker), however, mine was set in the middle of the scale on the side of the filter, which I thought would be good for this test.

The homegrown GH2 Specific Cage http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1069/the-homegrown-gh2-specific-cage Thu, 29 Sep 2011 20:08:57 +0000 PerryWilson 1069@/talks/discussions
I have been figuring the best way to make a GH2 cage for cheap, based off "REWO" cage design (keeping customer cost around $300). I decided to do a prototype, and make a negative mold off of my prototype. So tomorrow I have an appointment with my old college art professor, we will be going over casting. Then the cast product will go to my machine shop and be finalized (milled down smooth, holes drilled/threaded and final design made). If all goes well and I can get enough pre-order for this one the prototype and possibly a few backers cages are made. This is going to be a permanent solution (no reason to ever remove your GH2) but obviously you can.

Here is the pre-cast design, dont be worried it wont be this thick, I made it an inch all around so it can be milled smooth afterwards ]]>