Tagged with brokenman - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/brokenman/feed.rss Sun, 29 Sep 24 22:21:19 +0000 Tagged with brokenman - Personal View Talks en-CA Brokenman Trailer http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10175/brokenman-trailer Wed, 16 Apr 2014 03:22:12 +0000 vesubio 10175@/talks/discussions Trailer advance of Brokenman / Avance del trailer de Brokenman
GH3+voigtlander 25mm+tokina 11-16mm https://www.flickr.com/photos/musgo2012/sets/72157637203653026/ thanks for sharing /gracias por compartir

Brokenman teaser (GH3) http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9191/brokenman-teaser-gh3 Tue, 24 Dec 2013 16:26:27 +0000 vesubio 9191@/talks/discussions Lumix Gh3/ voigtlander 25 mm f/0.95
