Tagged with bbc - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/bbc/feed.rss Sat, 05 Oct 24 00:31:16 +0000 Tagged with bbc - Personal View Talks en-CA Calling Brighton & Sussex p-v'ers: BBC South East Today broadcast 'BOAT' - from hacked GH2 & GH3! http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7252/calling-brighton-sussex-p-vers-bbc-south-east-today-broadcast-boat-from-hacked-gh2-gh3 Fri, 14 Jun 2013 14:12:49 +0000 driftwood 7252@/talks/discussions A dear theatre-maker mate of mine recently passed away and his dying wish was for Brighton to have its very own Open Air Theatre (BOAT). The BBC have just broadcast today (check BBC iPlayer later) on South East Today parts of the following Vimeo link (they downloaded the footage from Vimeo :-) )

I made this spur-of-the-moment video (totally unprepared) in his last get together on Brighton & Hove's Lawns near the seafront. And it was great to see the Beeb use parts of it (and that the Panasonic GHx cameras are absolutely fine for broadcast!). Adrian's words are emphatic and amazing for a man in so much pain - he died only a few days later from his disease, pancreatic cancer. He only found out he had it two months ago and I just can't imagine him not being around anymore. He was very brave to the end.

Anyway, I'm mainly calling out to local personal-viewers who are invited to come along and lend support to this Sunday's BOAT fundraiser at Brighton's Dome theatre for a night of comedy. There are still a few tickets left and all proceeds go towards the building of the theatre. If you can't make it, please try and support it or donate via the Facebook link on the Vimeo page. Your help will turn an old and secluded bowling lawn into an amazing open air theatre scheduled for opening next May - and part of the Brighton Festival. Expects lots of classic Shakespeare performances, local theatre, open-air film screenings, and even live streaming events.


If you do make it down to the event - come and say hello to me!

Many thanks,


Swimmer http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4066/swimmer- Fri, 27 Jul 2012 23:53:32 +0000 Diffusion33 4066@/talks/discussions Swimmer is a poetic journey through the waterways and coastline of the British Isles, following a lone swimmer through lakes, rivers and coves. The journey is framed by a soundtrack of seminal British music, combined with a sound tapestry of hydrophonic recordings and snippets of bankside conversations. The film aims to give a real feel for the diversity of landscape and people of Britain.


Earthflight http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1863/earthflight Fri, 30 Dec 2011 00:59:12 +0000 Diffusion33 1863@/talks/discussions
BBC approved cameras list http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2296/bbc-approved-cameras-list Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:12:14 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 2296@/talks/discussions I spent a day on location with a crew shooting with 7D. I found 7D very inconvenient and weak if compared to the hacked GH2 in almost every respect. But the sad fact is that 7D is on the BBC's list of approved camcorders (although partially), while the GH2 is not. I understand that nothing could be done about it, but just out of pure curiosity — is there any scientific way to distinguish a GH2 shot from the one by 7D at the end of the production cycle?
