Tagged with aspect-ratio - Personal View Talks http://personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/aspect-ratio/feed.rss Sat, 28 Sep 24 02:20:21 +0000 Tagged with aspect-ratio - Personal View Talks en-CA Wide Angle Adapters topic http://personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1631/wide-angle-adapters-topic Sat, 03 Dec 2011 19:32:53 +0000 kronstadt 1631@/talks/discussions
Problem 1: The 2X crop factor of GH1 and GH2 which make 50mm lenses look like 100mm. It's not just a problem - it's a pain in the neck!

Problem 2: GH1 shoots in 16:9 aspect ratio, while most films today are made in 2:39:1

Possible solution 1: Use Anamorphic lenses or Anamorphic adapters.
BUT... LA7200, which made GH1 and GH2's 16:9 into a nice 2:39:1, is discontinued by Panasonic. The prices for LA7200 and anamorphic adapters and lenses have gone through the roof, and most people simply can't afford them.

Possible solution 2: use wider lenses and crop the top and bottom in post-production.
BUT... wide angle prime lenses are super expensive, and you are still really getting a usual 28mm shot out of your pricey 14mm pancake. And I still don't know how to get that nice Kubrick-style 14mm wide angle shot with my GH13...

So, I want to start a thread around this possible solution 3...
Possible solution 3: use those cheap (~£25-£60) 0.45X wide angle adapters from eBay that will make a 28mm lens behave more or less, like it should - like a 25mm. And a 14mm might finally appear like a nice 12.5mm...

The problem is... does it work? Has it worked for any GH1/2 users in this forum?
Which particular wide-angle adapter has worked well for you? And what about the sharpness, and loss of light-stops, and quality, and other issues?

If you have any information or experience with these wide angle adapters, please share. Because many of us, can't afford anamorphics or even decently wide lenses.
